Second Meeting

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**week went by, he forgot about Rory, and her him**

Jimmy's POV:

Finally it was the day to film the powdered sugar video. I was excited, Chandler and Chris were going to compete and then Karl and me were going to get two strangers off the streets.

It was actually getting dark right now though. But I wanted to start the video. So Karl and I set out in different cars to find people. Tourists and people were usually always out in the city block we were on with Frank's Bakery so I headed there.

Surprisingly, there weren't many people, by the time I got there it was really dark. I took out a flashlight and started looking around, for some reason even though it was a ghost town I still wanted to look around.

I pointed the flashlight down a random ally and then did a double take when I saw feet.


Rory's POV:

I woke up too footsteps and it was dark except for on bright light shining down the ally. I look up, there was a figure of a tall man.

I stayed still and quiet. The person came closer and looked at me. He looked familiar but I didn't know why. He sat down next to me, we looked at each other and then he spoke, "It's nice down here."

I glared at him, he was making fun of me, "Look, I don't what your problem is, but how much of an ass do you have to be to make fun of a homeless fifteen year old—"

"Woah, woah, I'm sorry, it wasn't meant to be like that," he held up his hands in a surrender place, "Wait, you're fifteen? How long have you been out here all alone? A few days or months?"

"Try a year. So why are you out here? And also, who are you?" I asked him.

He put out his hand, "Jimmy Donaldson. I'm looking for someone to participate in a challenge to win 10 grand. You wanna come sit in a huge bowl of powdered sugar and try to be the last to leave?"

hearing his name made me remember something:

"Yeah, cause Jimmy defiantly doesn't have at least two dollars."

That's how I knew him, he was the guy in the sun hat that day a week ago, "Wait, we've met before...kinda of. You were that group of people who laughed when I asked for two had a straw hat!"

Jimmy's face changed, "Oh...that's why you looked familiar. Hey, I'm sorry about that. Your name is Ronnie? Right?"

I pursed my lips and hesitated but finally shook his hand, "Rory."

"Nice to meet you properly. So what do you say want to try winning 10k?"

I gave him a skeptical look...then finally just shrugged, I had nothing to loose.

Jimmy smiled, "Come on."

He took me to his car, it wasn't anything special. When he talked about giving away 10k I assumed he was like super rich but maybe just like won the lottery and decided to give some of it away and put the rest in the bank.

Jimmy looked over at me a few times while we were driving like he really wanted to ask me something, finally I just asked him what was up, "Take a picture it will last longer."

"Huh?" he asked surprised.

"Why do you keep looking over at me, if you have something to say, just say it," I chuckled.

He laughed a bit too, "I just can't believe you're fifteen..."

I laughed, "Is it the fact that I am short?"

Jimmy shook his head, "No, you actually look older than fifteen...but it isn't that either. You just live out alone and you are okay with it. Which makes me a little nervous but it makes me think you're way older than fifteen. You're mature for your age. I'm 22 and you're more mature than I am."

I shrugged and fiddled my fingers luckily it was dark so he couldn't see, I didn't want to get into why living on the streets alone doesn't bother me...well it does, but it is better than how things were before, "I mean, it's been a year, after a while I guess I just became numb to it."

We didn't talk for the rest of the car ride, finally we pulled up to a warehouse.

"Here we are, get ready for the weirdest day of your life to begin," Jimmy laughed.

We got into the warehouse and I was greeted by a lot of people. Jimmy gave me a pair of old pants...and a t-shirt that said BEAST on it with a tiger. Who knows what that is about.

Jimmy pulled me aside before the challenge started, he handed me an IPhone X....I just started at him, "No."

"Yes, I want you too be able to contact me if need be. You need it," he insisted. I finally took the phone, I put it with a bag he had also given me, I wasn't actually allowed to have a phone for the challenge.

"WHAT'S UP JAKE PAULERS!!" Jimmy yelled at a camera it kind of surprised me a bit, "Toady as you can see from the video title we are doing a last to leave tub of powdered sugar wins $10,000. We have four competitors, Chandler and Chris, whom you know. Chandler will be coached by Jake and Chris by Marcus. Then Karl will he coaching someone random he found, his name is Jonah and then my competitor is Rory. They are now going to make their way into this powdered sugar."

Jake came over to Jimmy, and placed a hand on his shoulder, "So, Jimmy, why powdered sugar?"

"I—have zero idea honestly, but right now it is actually like 10 pm....yeah, 10:04 pm," he confirmed checking his phone, "I didn't feel like waiting till morning to start cause after a week we finally got it all set up and I said screw it! This challenge will be a lot harder than most because our competitors cannot move around as freely as they would in the substances we usually use for these kind of last to leave."

"Why is Jimmy allowed to be a coach? He can literally go buy anything?" Chandler whined.

Jimmy laughed, "You wouldn't be complaining if I was your coach, Chan."

**a lot of hours in...nothing super interesting happens**

"Chris, Katie is calling, she says it is important, you can't use your phone unless you exit though," Jimmy said to Chris.

Chris got up, "I have to pee and if my wife says it is important than I can't ignore her." He took the phone and walked away.

I smiled, it was nice to see a healthy married relationship.

Chris came back and whispered something to Jimmy, he nodded and then Chris left the warehouse.

"I don't know what is going on but Chris' wife has some urgent news and he needed to be home right away, I hope everything is okay, he didn't tell me anything, anyway back to the challenge," Jimmy said to the camera.


Sometimes I honestly don't know what to say here. So imma just say Happy Spooky Season. Please send me feedback <3

~Daughter Of Poseidon

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