Crash World

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Rory's POV:

"Hey, mommy," a little red head asked. A bigger red head turned and looked at the child.

"Yes, honey." the older woman smiled.

"How did you meet Daddy?" the small child asked.

Another voice cut into the scene, "Well, sweetie..."

That voice.

I turned around and saw the person I feared most.


I must be dreaming.

I looked back at the older was me. The small child...Noelani.

I looked at myself and saw the forced joy on my face as Nate walked over to help tell our story to our child.

When he got behind me...I saw that he had a small blade held to my back as if to say that if I made the story sound anything but pleasant then I would be in for hell.

I plastered on a smile for my daughter, "Honey, your father and I met when I was in a very dark place. He helped me out of that place and we've been in love ever since. When we found out I was pregnant with you, just made our hearts even happier."

The cold blade moved away from my back and the monster of a man I had to marry walked over to our child and held her face, "You look like your mother, Noelani, and you're beautiful."

*end of ~spicy~ dream sequence*

I bolted upright from where I'd been laying and held my shaking body.

"Hey," I heard Karl whisper next to me. I leaned my body into his.

"Nightmare." I simply said.

I felt him nod his head and hold me tighter. Jimmy may be the one who adopted me but next to him I'm closest Karl.

I tucked my head into Karl's chest and he moved his thumb back and forth on my arm.

"You wanna play minecraft?" he asked me, I nodded and we got up quietly so we wouldn't wake up Maddy and Jimmy.

Our world on minecraft was starting to look pretty sick. We had a main base, farms of all kinds, we created a village, and I was stocking up on mine materials.

"Do you want to do something fun tomorrow night?" Karl asked me while we played.

"Duh, anything to get my mind off of all this crazy stuff," I responded.

Karl chuckled, "Well, I was thinking, first bowling and then what if we go to the beach really late and go night swimming. Then get some ice cream at that one 24 hour place on the pier."

I smiled thinking about it, "Sounds amazing Karl,  I'm in 100% percent. Are we gonna bring the other boys?"

"Yeah, they can tag along," Karl laughed and I did to. He has a way when it comes to calming me down that just always works. He got quiet for a second, "Is it ever weird to think about what you'd be doing right now if things had happened differently."

I pursed my lips, "I don't know. Other than my child being born, I can't see anything good coming out of living with my parents and staying with that monster. There is no doubt in my mind he would still be an asshole even after the birth."

"Well, other than your brother. Was there anything good about your life before?"

"I have...had, two best friends. There was Anabel, we'd been friends for years and then she got a significant other. Their name was Nicki."

"Oh cool, tell me about them."

"Nicki, they're a badass. Doesn't let anyone tell them what to do and who they can or can't be. They play soccer and stream on Twitch. They, from when I was around, have short red hair but they dyed it blue almost to the roots, but not quite. They love graphic t-shirts and their beat up old coral colored converse. Then, Anabel, she isn't as bold, but she is very smart and protective. She and I have known each other since elementary school. We did everything together."

"They both sound amazing, is there anyway you would be able to contact them?"

I shrugged, "Maybe, but I don't want to risk someone else finding out...but it is probably more likely than finding out my brother's condition. Then maybe if I'm really lucky, they'll know his condition. But that's all like a one in a million chance."

"Hey, it was a one in a million chance we'd find you. It was a one in a million chance you'd get so unlucky before. So, maybe you'll find that when it's a million to one, good or bad, the odds lean towards you. I say we try."


"Really. Besides you don't even have to be anywhere near the finding and contacting. Jimmy and the rest of us could do that and then all you have to do is be around when we plan a meet up."

I smiled at Karl, "You're the best."


I'm so sorry this took so long, I thought I'd been less busy and better mentally once summer came and I was majorly mistaken. Please send me feedback <3

~Daughter Of Poseidon

Maybe if You Got to Know Meजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें