🧹-Capture-🧹 <(Douxie X OC)>

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Douxie X OC Capture


 Oc = Vin 



I jump over a fallen trash can, Douxie following right behind me.

"Quickly, quickly!" Archie nags, flying overhead.

"It's gonna get away!" I curse.

Douxie leaps over the next trash can as we squeeze thru the alleyway, chasing after the un-familiar beast. (No, it's not a beast we don't know of, it's a beast that used to be a wizard's familiar but has been corrupted and lost to taint.)

"What do you think I'm doing? Picking daisies?!"

Douxie touches and adjusts the capture spell in his wrist brace before he extends out his arm.

"DUCK!!" He shouts.

I trip anyways, so hah.

Douxie shoots a bright light and a powerful beam of energy at the un-familiar and at that very moment, the beast takes a sharp turn down into another alleyway.

The beam misses.

"Fuzz buckets!" Douxie chucks.

He quickly helps me up and we keep chasing after it. Hey, maybe whoever will cut us some slack and trap em' in a dead end? Then again, with our luck, it can probably fly or climb walls.


We turn down the alleyway that the beast went and pass by all the dumps, trash cans, and back-doors to all these businesses. Up a bit farther ahead, I can see the back end of the beast. Looks like that beam didn't miss after all— at least, not entirely, anyways.

"You singed its tail!" I note, giving a breathy laugh.

"I did?" Douxie looks up ahead and spots the damage,

"I did!"

"Ouch," Archie pipes in.

"Come on!" I grab Douxie's hand and pull him faster along.

"Vin! Hold on, --- wait!!"

I ignore him and keep us moving.

Around the corner, to the left, over right three times, between Stewart Electronics, and FINALLY into a dead-end alley corner. At this point, I can actually get a good look at the figure. Its vibrant orange-yellow, glowing, zig-zagged stripes--- over a black coal-dust coat--- well, despite the colors, it resembles a tiger! A tiger with a black coat and almost golden stripes! The eyes—oh the eyes! Its eyes are bold of orange pupils.

"This one looks freaking awesome!!" I marvel.

"Admire it later, Vin. Right now, we have to capture it and send it off." Douxie reminds me.

"Sorry, sorry."

I draw my capture-tool whip out of my coat and lash it down on the concrete ground to get the un-familiar's attention. And, surely enough, I get it. The beast growls and starts to pace from one side of the alley-end to the other.

"Any time you're ready..." I hint nervously, ready to move.

"Alright, just distract it."


The unfamiliar roars and pounces up into the air, coming straight down for me. I grunt, lashing my whip out and wrapping around the beast's jaw, like a muzzle. I jerk the capture-tool down in a flash, bringing the beast to the ground.

"Go! Do it now!" Archie cues.

I summon a second whip and make sure to bind its front paws together. The beast growls, swiping its claws at me every time I get close enough for attack.

"Quit being stubborn!" I shout at it.

Douxie laughs softly and fidgets with his 'bracelet'. As soon as I'm done binding the un-familiar with some restraints, Douxie directs his hand out in front of him, aiming for the beast.

"Ex hoc manifestum,"

There's a blue light of runic symbols that cast underneath the un-familiar with the start of the banishing spell. Before I forget, I take out my camera and snap a picture of the beast, so that I can admire it later.

"Erit ire ad, penetralia Kepthroah!"

And with the final vowel of the spell, a portal opens beneath the beast and I release my binds on it. The un-familiar falls into the depths of the hole, thus being banished to the realm of Kepthroah.

Panting, I look over at Douxie and give an out-of-breath smile. I kneel over, as he comes to my side. Douxie helps me up and I lean against him as a support beam, haha. . . phew.

"Good job, team!" Hoots Archie, flying back to the bookshop / house.

I wait until the dragon-cat is out of earshot, before whispering to Doux,

"Even though we did all the work, really."

Douxie chuckles.

I groan softly, feeling a little dizziness come over me.

"Ugh, I need a nap."



(Oh and BTW, if anyone has requests, I'll be more than happy to hear them!)

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