Asks you to prom

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SC/N=School Name
B/F/N=Best friends name
C/N=Crushes name

It was prom week at SC/N and you still haven't been asked. Not that It bothered you because you had B/F/N to go with, you didn't even really want to go. You close your locker and slightly jump, B/F/N was standing right behind your locker door. "Hey, B/F/N didn't see you there what's up.", She giggles "C/N came up to me before asking where you were." She said giggling so much she couldn't even get out the next sentence. You look at B/F/N with a confusing look "Do you know why?" You said with a smirk on your face, B/F/N has a huge grin on her face "Look behind you." C/N was standing right behind you you a massive grin, "Oh, C/N hey I didn't see you there what's up." C/N stands there chuckling. "Yeah I sort of guessed you didn't see me." He said looking into your eyes. You begin to gather your books and start walking to your next class as C/N runs to catch up with you. "Wait, Y/N, I want to ask you something." He said. You didn't look at him, although out of the corner of your eye you could see him looking at you. "Yeah, what's up C/N?" now looking him in the eye he looks away. "Oh, um well I was wondering do you have a date to prom." He asks you. "Umm, No I don't, Why you ask?" He chuckles "Umm, I was wondering if you'll be my date to the prom." He asks you, "Woah, I don't know what to say" you say giggling "How about yes" He says whilst you both start laughing. "It will be a pleasure to join you C/N." Saying as you C/N a massive hug.

*I hope you enjoy, I know this might not be good sorry I tried.* :)

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