Mornings In

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As you are coming round you feel a pair of strong arms wrapped your waist, you look up to C/N smiling like crazy, as you turn back around you feel a pair of lips on the back o your neck kissing you lightly. C/N whispers lightly in your ear 'Good morning beautiful.' you turn around to become face to face with C/N, you smile slightly only to hear C/N grown moaning because he's still tired. You snuggle into C/N chest as he pulls you closer he kisses you on your forehead lightly, whispering sweet little phrases to you.

As you are fully awake C/N loosens his grip so you can go to check up on your mum and B/F/N but as you are getting up you feel C/N grab your arm and pull you back towards him only to land on top of C/N and tighten his grip again you both start to laugh.

You look up to C/N smiling like crazy.

'I love you please know that, please don't think I'll ever leave you. I know you have probably never had a boyfriend so I would like to be your first and last, I hope you know that.'

You realised whilst he said that one he meant it and two you never took your eyes of him. You gave him a peck on the check.

'I know I have never had a boyfriend but I do hope you are mine to keep because I love you, it also gives me a chance to love someone unconditionally, and give you all my love hugs and kisses and someone to be goofy with and just be us.'

C/N pulls you into a hug whilst repeatedly saying 'I love you so so so much.'

For a few minutes you and C/N lay in each others arms having little conversations now and then. Whilst you were both laying there C/N starts to stroke your hair he sees your enjoying it so he stops, you notice he stopped so you sat up and gave him the angry look and said in your best angry voice 'Why did you stop stroking my hair.'

And then gave your biggest pout you possibly could. C/N replied 'I was just seeing what you would do.' whilst laughing.

You lay back down on C/N chest laughing, C/N wraps his arms around yours's like you were this morning(Picture above) C/N whispers slightly in your ear 'Can we just have a lazy day today.' you said with a bit of a giggle 'Sure, I could stay like this forever you know.' this time you don't turn around because you know already he's smiling.

For the rest of the day you both chill and cuddle, now and then you go to get food but only when C/N loosens his grip. You find it cute that he never wants you to leave and always wants you to stay and cuddle.

*I hope this is ok, and I hope you enjoy it.* :)

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