Tickle Fight

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You and C/N wanted to stay in bed all day but C/N had a few errands to run so you decided to at least get up and dressed. C/N gave you a kiss goodbye and of he went to do a few errands, you sat down on the coach and decided to watch some telly for a bit whilst you waited for C/N to get back from his mums and from the shops. Whilst you were watching tv your phone rang you picked it up quite quickly only because it was C/N.

Phone call= Y=You, C=Crushes name

Y-Hey baby!

C-Hey baby, just letting you know your mum waned something fixing I might take a while because your brother is at your mums.

Y-It wont take that long baby....ohhhhh wait never mind, yeah I see where your coming from now, he'll probably want you to play with him wont he.

C-Hahaha, yeah I will speak to you later baby I love you baby.

Y-Well I will speak to you later baby love you to.

You lay there for a good 10 minutes watching your favourite show, you were to engrossed to even notice C/N standing there with your favourite take out.

'Hey baby, did you enjoy your lazy day.'

'Baby please don't do that, you scared the living day lights out of me.' you through your head back on the coach, quickly sitting back missing C/N presence.

'Sorry baby, I didn't mean to are you ok.' C/N says quickly giving you a short but passionate kiss.

'Yeah I will be fine, how did it go with fixing whatever you were fixing?' you asked C/N whilst getting up to help C/N set up food.

'Good, I was fixing your mums kitchen cabinet one of the doors to the cupboard fell of.' C/N said whilst chuckling to himself.

'What's so funny babe?' looking confused at C/N.

'I bet your brother broke it so he could get me to come round and play with him, man he's crafty.' you both start to laugh realising that is probably true.

*Skip eating*

After eating you both have already let your tea go down so C/N thought now would be a good time to mess with you. As soon as you came back from the bathroom you notice C/N is no where to be seen, you went to sit down but before you could C/N comes charging at you, diving right next to you.

'I love you so much.' C/N starts laughing at what just happened.

'I love you to.' turning towards C/N looking at his confused facial expressions

'What did I do something wro....hahahaha' yo couldn't finish your sentence C/N starts tickling you

'How much do you love me, come on say it how much do you love me.'

'So so so much, hahahaha I love you so so so much hahah.' you say in between each laugh.

C/N stops and you both start to laugh.

You both start to get comfy and relax in each other presence whilst watching your favourite film.

You soon start to fall asleep in C/N arms, as you drift off you hear C/N whisper in your ear 'I love you so so so much baby I hope you know that.'

*I hope you enjoyed this, please let me know if this is any good.* :)

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