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A/N: wow its been a while since my last post. the views somehow reached over 9k and in complete honesty i wasn't expecting that at all. i'd first like to apologize for taking this long to everyone who commented and messaged me to keep writing. i'm not even sure if anyone still wants to read this because of how long its been since the last update. i'll give this another shot and hopefully i can get back into the flow. also i realized how many mistakes and continuity errors there are in the past chapters, so sorry you had to go through that mess of a story. hopefully i can tidy everything up in this and future chapters.

benny's POV

the closer i get to the apartment the bigger the pit in my stomach gets. he's going to be so mad. not only was he mad to begin with from this morning but now he knows i disobeyed him and left the apartment. the thought of running away pops in my head but i'm quick to dismiss it. i can't just leave everybody. 

i reach the front of the building. i'm not ready for this at all. i take a deep breath and walk inside. the elevator dings open and a family walks out. wow, i was hoping the elevator would take a while so i could stall more. i shake my head and decide to use the stairs instead. it won't make much of  a difference since alex lives on the second floor. 

my steps feel like they're in slow motion. i'm dreading the moment i walk inside the room. i reach the floor and i find myself standing in front of his door. my legs feel like jelly and i can feel myself shaking. i stand outside for what feels like hours but was probably only a minute. my phone rings again and it brings me back to reality. i look at my phone to see that alex is calling me. 

uh oh.

the door flings open and a very angry alex is standing in the doorway. i gulp. he must have heard the ringing.

"there you are," he scoffs. i try to say something, anything, but i can't. next thing i know i get an aggressive push into the wall behind me. i wince a little and don't even try recovering. "i thought i told you to stay here," he sends a punch right into my jaw causing me to fall over. tears start streaming down my face and i try my best to control it but i can't.

"i-i'm sorry," i choke out. 

"you don't seem very sorry," he kicks me in the gut and a loud groan leaves my mouth. i curl up in the middle of the hall. i let out a sob, begging him to stop.

after sending one more harsh kick my way he crouches down and grabs a fistful of my hair, yanking my head upwards to his level. his voice starts to become raised, "what do i have to do to make you follow my instructions?" alex's face turns into a disgusting scowl. "i don't ask for much, do i?"

my sobbing makes it hard for me to reply so i take a moment to try to gain some composure. waiting for a reply made him more upset. causing him to backhand my face hard enough to where he ripped a chunk of my hair out and my head slams into the cold hard floor.

the ringing in my ears made his yelling muffled and incomprehensible. i tilt my head slightly so the coolness of the tile was on my sore jaw. everything around me seems to disappear. darkness overcomes my vision and i drift off into a dreamless sleep. 

alaric's POV

my knuckles pound on the door in front of me. i don't know if i should expect benny or his dick boyfriend. i tap the wallet against my hand waiting for the door to open. i made sure to slide one of my business cards inside if he ever wanted to contact me.

the sound of the locks meet my ears and i straighten my back. the door barely opens enough to reveal an unfamiliar face. the man has long dirty blonde curls that was accompanied with slight stubble and his eyes greatly resemble benny's. 

i certainly wasn't expecting someone else to answer the door. i guess i wasn't thinking about any options other than fighting or sweet talking.

"can i help you?" the man asks.

i clear my throat quickly before speaking, "is this benny's place?" 

the mans eyes furrow and a skeptical looks covers his face before looking me up and down. "who's asking?" he opens the door enough so he can lean against the door frame.

"the names alaric. i have something that belongs to him, is he in?" my eyes dart to the room behind him seeing if i can spot the small boy. 

"nah," he chuckles lightly, "he's almost never here but i can give him whatever you need to get to him, i'm his roommate."

i can't help but to feel a bit disappointed. i wanted to see him again even though its been less than an hour. "i kind of wanted to give it to him myself," i admit.

he nods his head. "who are you to ben?" he asks with a raised eyebrow. the question takes me off guard.

"uh... an acquaintance? i just met him today if i'm being honest here."

"oh? how'd you meet him?" he leans a bit forward making him seem more intimidating, even with his shorter height compared to me.

"at a cafe not too far from here," i reply simply.

"hmm interesting," he scratches his stubble, "so what is a guy like you gonna give him?"

i can't help but feel attacked by him questioning me. "you sure ask a lot of questions."

"i'm curious... aaaand a little protective," he says the last part under his breath. "you're not trying to hit on him, are you?"

wow, he's blunt.

i let out a sigh, "fine, fine, fine. you can give it to him yourself." i hold out the wallet for him to grab. 

the man grabs the wallet and stares dead into my eyes, "you never answered my question."

not going to lie this dude scares the hell out of me. i can't see benny living with a guy like him. i break eye contact before answering, "it doesn't matter. plus i don't have to tell you anything." 

i walk down the hall and back to the elevator i came from. i can feel him eyeing me the whole time. once i got inside the elevator and the doors closed i send a hard punch at the metal wall beside me. he's probably alone with that bastard right now and i can't do anything about it. 

now all i can do is wait.

(sorta edited lol)

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