Chapter 10.

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I was close to the camp site.

Using my amazing ability, of being silent, I climbed a tree without making a sound, and made my way slowly towards the camp by swinging from branch to branch.

I stayed there and inspected the area, everyone and everything.

After about 4 hours I memorised everything. And I knew who was who.

Each rouge was training on their own. And by training I mean running around then doing either sit ups or push ups.

I finally decided to come down and show myself.

'Careful. Keep your head up, don't loose control and most importantly don't sumbit yourself, and don't turn into a wolf. Fight. You will win. If you need help or if you're tired, then tell me and I'll take control.

We need to be the leader of these rouges. We need to be in charge.

Let's go.' Nina warned

'Thx Nina.'

'No problem Els.'

I jumped from the tree and gracefully landed on my feet in a crouching position.

I slowly made my way to the middle of the camp.

Every rouge growled at me and was ready to pounce.

Pathetic creatures

'Ya think?'

'Yeah Nina. They are.'

'I agree. Eww is that blood on the tent? Eww.'

I kept my head held up and walked slowly through the crowd not once looking behind, or around me, not showing any signs of weakness.

I stopped and kept my head forward.

A well built rouge stood in front of me. He snarled at me and sized me up. Too bad I'm not showing my whole self.

He finally spoke up in a menacing tone,"What's your name, what pack are or were you from and why are you here?"

"My name is Elektra Blue, was from the Blue moon pack, now a rouge, amd I'm here to help."I answered in a strong voice.

Then rouge narrowed his eyes at me then snarled,"we don't need help!"

I laughed dryly and answered,"Really? Look at you! Not ready! You're all over the place! Don't you want to beat people. Don't you want to be powerful? Do you want to be rouges? Wouldn't you rather be a pack. A powerful pack which let's rouges join. A pack that would be feared more then the Twilight pack?! Be a pack and not fear when you wouldn't have to run away from a pack? Live in normal circumstances?! I can give you that! I can lead you to freedom. To a life worth loving for. To power. All you need to do is trust me and follow me. Appoint me as your leader and this will be the most powerful pack ever heard of. I have some friends of different species who would also join and help. We would not only have most of the rouges on our side, and in our pack, but other supernatural creatures, vampires, witches, wizards, demons, and many other. Who's with me?!" I asked




Suddenly roars of agreement broke through the still air. It sounded like a stadium when the shooter scored a goal.

The next thing I knew, I was in the air being held above everybody. Everyone was grinning, laughing, agreeing and cheering.

I placed my hand up in the air to silence them.

They all quietened down.

"Do you all accept me as your Alpha?"I asked

"YES!"the rouge's cheered in unison

"Will you all follow my every order without a question or a doubt?!"I asked

"YES!" they cheered

"Then from now on we will be a pack and I will be your alpha female! Alpha Blue! And this pack will be called the Sapphire Skull pack!"

Whoopings , howls, screams, shouts and cheers where heard. I took a deep breath and howled.

Everyone followed in suit.

Our howls were so loud, it shook then land.

I grinnned and shouted,"Beta, and third in command will be chosen once I got to know each of you! Let's get to work Sapphire Skulls!"

Cheers ripped through the air an ever one was grinning.

Well it looks like I'm the Alpha of the Sapphire Skull pack.

'Well done.' Nina congratulated,'you are a born leader.'

'I am aren't I?!' I grinned

'Owww! Your ego is squishing me!' Nina cried out.

'It's your ego too. We're one.'


'And you love me!'

'I do. More then anyone.'

I chuckled and gave out the orders. Today was the start and there will never be an end. Not if I can help it.


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