Chapter 4.

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Today was my first day as a slave.

I showered, got dressed and sat on my bed waiting for someone to unlock my door.

Not long after the door opened and two guards stepped in. My used to be bodyguards.

"Go to the living room and ask if they need you to do something. If not then start cleaning. You will get food at 10 in the morning, and 11 at night. Go. Also from now on you will wake up at 6 am and will be expected to make an appearance at 6:30 and start work."one of the guards said.

"Yes sir."I said and made for the living room when a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I let them pull me back and hit a hard chest.

"Els we were your body guards. Your friends. Call me and Sean by our names. We don't care if you can't shift. You were good to us. Now it's time to return that favour."John whispered amd smiled at me. So did Sean

"Thanks" I replied and headed off to start my day.

"May I be use to any of you?"I asked politely

"Yeah in my bed."a guy said

Adam growled lowly and so did Yvett. Mother gasped and father narrowed his eyes.

I snapped my gaze towards my father silently begging him not to give permission. Father seemed to understand and said,"She will not be touched in a szexual way. Am I understood?"

"Yes Alpha"

"Slave I need your to clean my room and and here's a list I want you to buy. Here's the money. I want the exact change back. Also do not let me find that you have taken anything of mine. Am I understood?"the pack's slut Britney also known as the Omega's daughter ordered.

"Yes miss. I would never take anything that isn't mine. I will make sure to do it as soon as possible. "

Britney sneered at me and sat back down.

I looked around to room checking nif anyone else needed anything. When Noone said anything I asked,"May I be dismissed?"

"Yes."Father said.

I bowed and went to the shop to buy all the things on the list. Then did all my work.


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