Chapter 2.

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1 year has passed and my birthday was tomorow.

My parents showed me a cold room, with no heating what so ever. A broken window and that was it. The walls were plain white and the bed was a old and looked weak. Father said that, this room will be mine if I didn't shift tomorow.

I nodded and started to transfer all my belongings into the room.

Now I was sitting on the bed which could not in a million years be classed as a bed and stared at the built in closet, with tears cascading down my cheeks.

My parents officially hated me. I was a disgrace to them. Oh if they only knew who I actually am.

'You know you can't tell them that. We need to wait until we find our mate.'

'I know Nina. I just thought mother and father would love me no matter what. I mean thats what they promised me all those years ago.'

'Yes they did but they lied.' Nina growled

I went in to the closet to look at myself in the mirror. My mascara and eyeliner was smudged. My eyes were red and cheeks puffy with a few tear stains.

I growled at the reflection in the mirror and washed my face. No longer will I be the broken, little, weak girl I was seen as. Oh no. I vow that I will never cry again. I will save my tears for that one moment. The moment that hurts so bad that it could kill me.

'Els. Grandma's scent. In the mirror.' Nina said.

Huh? Grandma's scent? I sniffed the air and caught it. I carefully inspected the mirror when my eyes caught sight at a small indent. I was about to reach out when Yvett rushed in.

"Els please don't leave me. What are you going to do?"

"I will be a slave, I will stay here and look after you."

"But Els you're going to get hurt. You can't stay. They are going to abuse you. And Adam. He doesn't know. He will hurt you too."

"I don't care Yvett. I am going to look after you until you're 18. Then I'm going rouge. You and Adam will still be able to contact me since you're my siblings. We will never be really apart."

"I hope so." Yvett said, hugged me, then left without a word.

I turned back to the mirror and opened it where the dent was.

Behind the mirror there was a door. I opened that too amd inside it was a lock of Grandma's hair and next to it was a piece of paper with a key on a golden thin chain on top.

I took out the key and read the paper.

'My dear Elektra.

If you are now reading this then you most probably are a slave because you haven't told anyone about what you really are.

This key on top of this letter is the key for a much more comfortable room. It's door is hidden somewhere here in the walk in closet. Use the key to open it.

The secret room is where I used to be and play when I was younger. It's soundproof too.

The prophecy was right once but my, well your ansestor changed it. she wrote a date which was 500 years before the prophecy should have been fulfilled.

You my dear Elektra are the prophecy.

Be strong. You are the rainbow wolf. I love you and so does the moon Godess.

Remember. You're the strong female alpha rainbow wolf.

Everlasting love from your Grandma Luna Gabriella'

'Well Nina I guess we fulfilled the prophecy.'

'Yeah. All we need to do is find the entrance.'

'Yeah. '

And with that I started searching.

I went inside the wardrobe and battled my way to the back of it.

That's when I saw it. The door. I placed the key in gently and unlocked it. The lock of the door clicked and I pushed the door open and there was a swirly staircase leading me down.

The passage was lighted up. I slowly made my way down and when I reached the end there was another door. Like a secret hideaway.

I pushed open the door slowly switched the light in and gasped.


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