"Aww, how cute."

"That's not even the best part, he did one of those strength games, took his jacket off to reveal some muscles like I have never seen before and he won me a penguin." I squeaked which made the two girls scream.

"That is so CUTE!" Julie screamed at the top of her lungs, making me lunge forward, covering her mouth.

"Julie Gaffney!"

"Sorry." She mumbled through my hand. Her eyes curled at the edges.

That night before the game, I got a shower, ate dinner, and got some new clothes on before our game with Canada.

Adam was on the bench with me the entire time, since he was still in his sling. Whenever I got angry, he would hold my hand, or rub my shoulders, or whisper in my ear to calm me down. Adam was there for me.

Our last play in the game, our Bash Brothers sent us to victory. Fulton has blasted the net of the Canadians goal with the puck just back home.

The next day in the paper, our win was in the paper Dean and Fulton on the front page along with Iceland's win with the Russians.

Charlie had come to me about asking Russ Tyler to join Team USA since Banks was on the bench. I was ecstatic about this idea, so we went to South Los Angeles to find him and recruit him ourselves before bringing him to Coach.

"Coach! Coach!" Charlie ran into Coach Bombay's office with me at his side. "I know with Banks out we have a roster slot open."

"Yeah?" He perked his head up.

"Well, ya know how I told ya that I'd be a better coach than player."


"Well, we did some scouting of our own." Charlie smile which made me signal Russ for him to come in.

"Russ Tyler. Coach Bombay." I introduced the two to each other. Russ gave a wide smile while holding his stick in his hand with his skates hanging from his neck.

"Russ Tyler, huh?" Russ nodded his head. "Well, Russ, what can you do for the team?"

He shook his head in shock, "You never heard of my knucklepuck?"

"Knucklepuck?" Coach questioned, folding his hands on his desk. "No." He finished, making the three of us turn to look at each other, smirking.

That night at our game, Russ showed the whole world his killer knucklepuck. We were two to one against the Russians.

Russ slapped his stick on the ice to get the attention of one of his teammates, "Over here! Over here!" Russ was passed the puck, then he put it on its side. "It's knucklepuck time!" Russ then slapped the puck past two Russian players as they watched the puck sail into the goal causing the crowd to roar with excitement at our win.

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