03- ' 'It Was an Accident' ' 🍋

Start from the beginning


The door slammed open "Hey Jotaro-san, are you mad at Roh-" Josuke froze in embarrassment. "I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU LOCKED IT!" Kakyoin yelled. "I lied." Jotaro said with a blank face while hurrying up to cover himself. Josuke quickly turned around. "I'm sorry. I should really knock." Kakyoin glared at Jotaro. "Good grief." Jotaro said finally fixing himself up. "What do you want Josuke?" Jotaro questioned. "I- hmm are you mad at- hmmm Rohan?" Josuke asked still trying to get the image out of his head. "No." Jotaro answered trying to forget what Rohan did. "ALRIGHT! I'll be heading off HAHAHAHA." Josuke ran off horrified. Jotaro sighed "So, why did you lie?" Kakyoin stared. "I couldn't waste time." Jotaro huffed. "Wow, I never thought I'll here that coming out of your mouth." Kakyoin joked but still angry. "Very funny." Jotaro growled.


Huge time skip. . . B o o p

"Hey." Rohan nervously said to Jotaro. "What?" Jotaro turned around. "are you going to punch m-me?" Rohan asked, shaking. "No, not now at least." Jotaro answered. "Oh thank goodne- Wait what?" Rohan said jumping back a little. Jotaro grinned. "Anyways, where's Koichi?" he asked while he went back to his emotionless expression. Rohan relaxed a bit "he's on his way to school I believe." "Alright." Jotaro said, leaving Rohan.

Jotaro sighed. "Today is the day that Kakyoin and Koichi goes to that one shoe and repair shop." Jotaro looked at his watch and looked around. He spotted Koichi walking along the sidewalk across the street. He hurried and grabbed Koichi. "Koichi!" Jotaro said. "Ah! Jotaro." Koichi said. "The case." Jotaro reminded him. "Oh yeah, that's today." Koichi looked up. "Kakyoin is waiting by the place your suppose to go to." Jotaro said while letting go of Koichi arm. "Okay, I'll meet up with him." Jotaro nodded and went his separate way.


Kakyoin looked around and saw Koichi run his direction. "You ready to check this place out, Koichi?" Koichi smiled "Yes." They two entered the shoe store. "There it is!" Koichi pointed out the suit. Kakyoin pulled out the bag with the button. "I guess so." Kakyoin said looking at the button and back at the suit. The store owner looked at the two confused. "Excuse us, but who owns that suit?" Kakyoin asked. Next thing you know the owner went on a rant on how he knows all his customers. He got up and looked at the tag. "Hmmm, I'm not sure how to read this?" He spoke. "May I see?" Koichi blurted out. "Koichi wait." Kakyoin pulled Koichi towards him as something exploded. The store owner freaked out. "Look over here." Said what seems to be a stand. "Look over here." It repeated. The owner turned. The stand jumped at him. Koichi freaked out. Soon enough the suit was getting pulled. "There he is!" Koichi yelled and ran after the guy, but Kakyoin pulled him. "We can't go after him." Kakyoin told Koichi. "HE'S GOING TO GET AWAY, WE HAVE TO GO AFTER HIM!" Koichi demanded, but Kakyoin ignored. A clicking noise was heard from the stand. Kakyoin turned his back with Koichi in his arms. Koichi looked back to see the suit gone. "We need to go after him!" Koichi yelled again. "We can't! The stand is most likely still here to target us!" Kakyoin replied. "But he's going to get away." Koichi continued

Skip- because I'm not rewriting the whole sence but replacing Jotaro with Kakyoin

"You did good Koichi." Kakyoin faintly said before falling face first next to Koichi. Seconds after, Josuke and Okuyasu arrived "What the heck happened?" Okuyasu said while looking at the two knock out. Josuke froze for a second untill taking action. Later Jotaro rushed in around the corner 'freaking out' but to a normal human being he was emotionless. "Kakyoin!" He yelled, rushing to Kakyoin. Okuyasu put his by ear by Koichi's chest worrying if he was alive or not. "He's alive! But he's not breathing" Okuyasu told. "I can fix him with Crazy Diamond." Josuke said. Jotaro stared at Kakyoin. "He's alive to, but barely." Jotaro said while shaking. Josuke quickly came to their aid. Josuke looked over at someone scrawling on the ground. "What are you doing?" He asked the blonde. "he's awake." Okuyasu pointed out. "Don't try anything." Josuke warned the man. "Turn this way!" Okuyasu said. The man started to freakout. "I think he was caught in the Blast." Josuke said to Okuyasu. The man started to rant. "Hey, clam down!" Josuke reassured the man. "I'll patch you up, where did you get hurt?" Josuke asked. The man started to point out his wounds. "JUST HURRY UP AND FIX ME!" the man yelled. "Hurry? If you look at me I'm just a high school student, why would you ask me to fix you?" Josuke asked, glaring at the man. "Do I look like a doctor that graduated from med school?" Josuke continued. "You totally fell for it, You saw my stand? Didn't you. Which means your the enemy." Josuke got up.

"W-what, he's the murderer?!" Okuyasu blurted out. The killer said a few words before calling out his stand to chop his hand off. Koichi became conscious. Yet no luck for Kakyoin. The Murderer called out for 'Heart Attack' and Koichi pointed out that it goes after body heat. Josuke 'fixed' it and the stand went back to the dislocated hand. The hand was also so called fixed and flew back to the killer. Josuke and everyone followed it. Jotaro quickly picked up Kakyoin and ran. They followed it to Aya's place. They walked in to see clothes scattered, Kira dead along with Aya. Soon Jotaro pointed out that the guy wasn't kria. Aya spoke, which shocked everyone... but still... she was barely alive. Soon enough the dislocated hand started to leave... and so much was going on, next thing they knew, Aya... she... hmm died officially.

The hand finally opened the door. Jotaro warned them and kicked it open to a street full of people. Who is it? Where is he? So many questions ran thought their heads. Luckily the only good thing that happen was Kakyoin waking up during that moment. Jotaro smiled. "Huh? Wha-What did I miss?" Kakyoin asked while smiling. The teens turned back. "He's awake!" Koichi said to himself. Josuke smiled at the fact, one he wasn't dead and two Jotaro is smiling himself. Jotaro went back to his emotionless face like usual and sat Kakyoin down. "We can't deny that he got away." Jotaro stared at the crowd. Koichi clinched his fists. "Kira you coward! Show yourself!" He screamed, but all he got was stares from multiple people.

Kakyoin fell, clutching his stomach. "Kakyoin, you okay?" Jotaro asked. "I'm fine." He smiled but was interrupted by blood spilling out of his mouth. "Maybe not so much." He said while looking at his bloody hand. Josuke went to help but Jotaro stopped him. "You can't just fix this" Jotaro growled.



Anyways dont mind me being l a z y because I really didn't want to rewrite that whole sence when it comes to heart attack... and sorry if the lemon sence was bad... I'm new at it okay ;-;

Soo yes, bye, see you tomorrow or something :p

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