'You should meet Maya..my girlfriend, I think you two would get along really well.' He says, pulling me in for a hug too. I've seen all the photos of Liam and Maya together, and Harry says that he can tell how happy Liam is with her.

'I'd love to meet her!' I respond.

'We should catch up..you, me, Louis and Niall. I haven't seen you all in so long.' Harry suggests, and I'm so glad. I know how much Harry misses the boys, and I wonder if this is his way of figuring out how the other boys feel about ending the hiatus. I can't help the little worry that forms inside me at the thought of the band actually reuniting, but I push it away.

'Let's just get the band back together.' Liam jokes, but I can tell he's not really joking.


Just as Harry suggested, the boys organised to catch up the next week. Niall offered to host, and they all met at his house. It was 'strictly a boy's day', as stated by Louis, but as soon as Harry walked back through the door I could tell he'd had an amazing day. He was radiant, and he spent the next two hours telling me about every moment.

As it turned out, the other boys had actually spoken about a reunion, but Harry didn't know. They hadn't mentioned anything to him assuming he wouldn't be interested in a reunion, especially after coming off of such a successful solo world tour. Harry, being so kind, actually appreciated the fact they hadn't mentioned it. They knew he could have been put in a difficult position, and were only trying to avoid an awkward situation for him. But in the end, all the boys agreed, over a shot according to Harry, that they would end the hiatus. 18 months turned into 5 years, but finally they were all ready to come back.

I realised during Harry's absence that in the last year, my days had been consumed with the tour. Whether it was preparation for the tour, actually touring or my time spent with Harry in the last two months, my whole life had become filled with him.

I tried to keep myself entertained while he was gone on this 'boy's day', but I found myself wandering around the house not knowing what to do. I would've called Charlotte to go out for lunch, but her and the rest of the band had started spending more and more time together, rehearsing without Harry, and I assumed she wouldn't be available. I had an inkling that the backing band may have been becoming more of a band in their own right, and I really liked that idea, so I chose to not bother her.

It nearly concerned me that my whole life had become so filled with Harry that I didn't know what to do without him, and I decided I needed to find something to channel my energy into. Something I could do in my spare time, and hopefully something that would become my passion.

After a long time spent thinking, I decided to start a blog. I'm not sure why this idea came to me, but I've always had a love for writing, and there's something nice about being able to share your passion through words. At this point, given my sole focus on Harry at all times of the day, I probably should've decided to make a Harry dedicated blog. Nonetheless, I decided to make a blog all about fashion. Whether it's putting together my own outfits, watching runway fashion shows or reading designer catwalk books, I've loved fashion since I can remember. It took a while to come up with a name, but I eventually decided on one, 'Écharpe en Cachemire' - Cashmere Scarf.

I learnt French in highschool, and by the time I graduated it was easily my favourite language. I kept learning all throughout college, and now I can speak French. It's a little known fact about me, and I rarely use the skill, but if I ever end up in Paris and nobody speaks English, I imagine it will be useful.

Once Harry finished telling me about his day, nearly down to the minute, I told him about my latest blog owning venture. He was very excited for me, and I felt so blessed to have someone like Harry.

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