It was not the first time, things like this happens often. Whenever liya prepares food, she will get nothing at the end. Sometimes even aavnish will get nothing to eat. This troubles her most as she could not see her boy with the empty stomach. Not even a single time, Her mother-in-law fed or played with aavnish and radha. It's been four years, but still liya doesn't know what is wrong with her and their children. She doesn't know why no one is treating her like her mother does. She doesn't know how to satisfy everyone. She doesn't know why they are treating Ajith as some outsider. All she knows is to be a dutiful housewife, which was taught by her mother since childhood. No raising voice, must adjust all the time, satisfy their needs no matter how much she’s been mistreated or abused.

She narrated everything when ajith came home after work. “Oh my god!!, did she do that? ‘. “I can't tolerate any more. Let me put a stop to all this today!! “. He dashed out of the room. If you are expecting this to happen, then probably you must have watched many south Indian movies. The scene is totally opposite In real life.

“Is Radha safe? “ Ajith asked.

“Yes, aavnish saved her “ liya said , sobbing. “ You must atleast ask something, it would've literally killed her, Ajith!! “

“Liya, Sudha is my elder sister. She would've done it by mistake. And you know, there is no use telling them “

“It's not the first time , Ajith. Atleast they will be cautious next time. They must not take us granted everytime!!. It's not about us. It's about our children” said liya, in between her sob.

It was almost 11:00 in the night. Everyone is fast asleep.

“Then why can't you say that by yourself ?“ Ajith asked.

“Because you told me not to ask anything when you are not at home “

“You know why? Because there is NO USE telling them” he said, firmly. “Now, go to bed. I have meeting tomorrow”

Ajith is a kind of guy who will not slander liya in front of others and will not slander his parents or sister in front of liya even though the fault is on his parent’s side. He usually avoids these situations with the fear of not creating commotion between them.

Even though he acted as if it is not a serious issue, the scene keeps on rewinding repeatedly in his mind. Suddenly he woke up in the middle of night and saw Radha sleeping peacefully besides liya. He always forgets his pain when he saw the moonlit face of her. “What fault does she make?” He said to himself, “Appa will keep you safe, radha. I promise!!". By saying so, he slept.


Ajith is eating his breakfast in the dining room with his mother and father. Liya is serving them in the table. Ajith broke the silence and said, “We are leaving this weekend, ma “

“Leaving? “Said his mother, her eyes wide open. “Leaving where??”

“We are moving to a rented house,” he said, eating his idlis.

“Does that filthy village rat changed your mind, ajith?” Said his father, his voice raising.

Liya hid herself inside the kitchen. She doesn't even thought about it.

“No, pa. We need some privacy,” said ajith, politely.

“Privacy ah? What is wrong with this place? Do you want heaven??” Said his mother, panting. “I know that stupid girl will separate us from the day one “.

Ajith is eating with his head down.

“Liya has nothing to do with this, ma. This is my decision. We need some privacy and that's it.” Ajith said.

Privacy? Why he is not telling about the mistreatment they are facing?. Liya was wondering from inside.

“So you think you can survive alone without our financial support?” demanded his father.

Yes, he is true. Chitra, ajith’s mother, is a teacher in a government school. Don’t enquire about the qualifications. Passing 12th is the basic qualification to be a teacher in those days. Not rich though, but still she will show off as if she is the richest. Natraj, ajith's father, is a retired employee from a private ltd company. They replaced Ajith in his position when he got retired. So they often think it's because of them the entire family gets their daily meals, which they would otherwise be starved to death. Just because they think something is true doesn't mean it actually is.

“Don't worry, pa. I’ll give half of my salary every month, as I always do. And yes, I think we can,” ajith said. “Also, I'll come and do all the things you want me to do”

Chitra, our drama queen, started faking her voice, “how can we live without you, Ajith. You know how much we love you!! “. She starts to create a scene as she usually does.

“Moving to a rented house will not weaken the love you have in me, ma,” Ajith said, calmly.

“What others will say, if you move in to a rented house when you have an own house?” Said Natraj, fixing his eyes on Ajith.

“I don't care” Ajith said, stood up, took his plate and went inside the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Natraj and Chitra glancing at each other, wondering at the unusual behaviour of their son.

“Why didn't you tell me this before?” liya asked, her voice dropping.

“Now you know!!” Ajith said.

Ajith would discuss nothing with liya. The reason is that it's an arranged marriage, basically. The other reason is, he does not want liya to take control over the situation. Why is that?. Because of the lack of understanding. And why is that?. Because it's basically an arranged marriage. So does every arranged marriage will be like this?. You'll come to know it soon.

“Uncle is right!, We can’t run a family with 5000 per month. We have two kids to look upon. Also, aavnish need to join the school next year,” Liya said, her voice dropping further.

“I know that!!. From next month on, I'll be getting a bonus. We’ll manage somehow. Don't worry,” Ajith said.

“But it is not the solution, Ajith. What if your parents come and stay with us and continue the same thing?”. Which of course they won't do as they cannot show off any more. “At least they need to know what they are doing. Only then it'll stop. Moving to a rented house is not an option,” Liya said.

You would have probably guessed the reply. “There is no use talking to them, liya” Ajith said, and he left.

Radha is sleeping in the room peacefully without knowing that she is cause for the unusual behaviour of her father. Aavnish is right beside her, not asking question this time but to keep a watch on her.

To be continued.....

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