After the war

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A month had flown by quickly, I've learned so much about Archer that I almost felt comfortable to tell him my life, but the only thing that I didn't get is how he wouldn't show any emotion in his laugh, I asked him one time and he said that it isn't the time to talk about it,  Archer and I waited outside for Declan to come back, an hour past Declan walked out, he looked so different! His eyes weren't brown they were now red like blood,

He walked to me and kissed me on the hand, he looked at Archer, "I want you  to stay here, I have things I have to do for a while,"

Archer bowed "it wouldn't be a problem," he straightened up.  I smiled  happily, Declan looked at me with a slight frown, "oh and Archer taught me how to ride a horse!" I exclaimed,

"Wow that's wonderful my darling," Declan smiled and he walked to the castle, I looked at Archer with a look, he shrugged his shoulders and we went back to the Castle, "what was that about?" I  looked at Archer,

"I'm not sure but it's not good news that's for sure,"  Archer sighed, "hey  Archer? Can we go for a ride?" I asked with a soft smile, Archer smiled and nodded his head, we went outside and we got on the horses and we started to ride in the forest,  "this place is really pretty don't you think Archer?"

He chuckled and nodded his head, Archer was silent until we got across the river, "uh erm we should go by a different way..." Archer Quick turned the horse around and we went by a different path that seemed a lot longer than the other way with the river, and what's was wrong with him when he saw the river? Did something happen to him when he was little or he wasn't sure it was safe? I'm not sure but I don't want to pry into his private life,

I felt a little dizzy and so I stopped and looked around I was pretending nothing was happening but Archer knew,  he looked over his shoulder  "are you alright? Zathura?" He asked,

"Uh yes, I'm fine just perfect!" I got the horse into a walk and we continued riding, then we made it to the place where we were headed,  we got off the horses and we walked to the open Field, I smiled and I ran around and jumped, Archer watched me with his eyes closed as if he was trying to  hear what was going on around us,  but nothing, he opens his eyes and he sat in the grass and watched me run around and roll on the grass a few times I face planted but I got up and I waved at him meaning I was okay no need to worry,

I was now pooped out I flopped on my back and I looked at all the fluffy clouds, "hey there's one that looks like a bunny!"  And.... that one looks like a frog.... a sheep... a dog... and a cat..!"

Archer lifted up his head and saw what I was pointing at,  "you really like clouds don't you?" I sat up and looked at him "yes I sure do!  I've always liked them." "That's nice to know." Archer smiled and be dusted off his shirt,

"Can I ask you a question?" I stood up and walked to him, he lifted up his head "what would you like you to know?" He asked with a slight frown, "well how come you didn't want to cross the river?" He looked down and he didn't say anything, did I say something wrong? Did I upset him? "Look I'm sorry I didn't mean to...." he got up and walked away, we should get back to the castle, he walked to the horse and got on, he waited till I went to my horse and I got on and we went back to the castle, I got a funny feeling... my throat started to hurt I ignored it and it hurt even more then it should. I cleared my throat and I sighed as that didn't help, once we got back I got off the horse and I rushed to my room to take my temperature, so I did and I looked at the number.

"My eyes widened wow it's really high... no wonder I'm sick... I rubbed my eyes and I let out a soft cough, my throat had hurt, even more, then I went to the bathroom to have a bath, maybe relaxing would help but it didn't!" I tried to drink nothing I drank some tea with honey, but I started to sweat real bad my clothes were soaked in sweat, I rubbed my forehead and I walked to put my nightgown on, so I did once I was done getting dressed I went outside perhaps that would work, but it didn't like the others there was nothing I could do,

I went to bed and I slept for an hour I woke up in a cold sweat I looked around if Declan had gone to bed but he wasn't in bed I was by myself, "maybe I will find Archer... maybe there's something he can do...." I got out of bed and I walked to his room, I knocked on his door and he opened it, "Archer I don't feel well I.... just like that fell to the ground unconscious,

I awoke in my bed I looked around and Archer was sitting on a chair as the doctor sighed and closed his eyes, "doctor what's wrong with her?" Archer asked the doctor sighed and looked at Archer I'm afraid she had smallpox.. look at the rashes.. "the doctor grabbed my arm as little rashes showed, "will they go away?" He asked with a worried look, "the doctor shook his head no and it can also make her blind, so there's nothing I can do for her... I'm sorry, the doctor put my hand down and he walked away, I turned to Archer "Archer can you tell me why you were scared of the river?" I let out a cough, and I want to know why you don't laugh wholeheartedly..."

Archer nodded his head "okay I will tell you...

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