Save me...

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Running through the forest with my small steps to see the house of the people who settled nearby, I did not feel the

gaze of my mother Indra, who besides my mother is also the guide from ours to Tricru.

She shouted in her stern tone, and I stopped.

-Yes mom? Asking the question, I used the eyes of my dog, which, however, did not help her, as with my father Nico.

-Lexa is dangerous. You need to sit down and train to take our throne, not play and risk your life.

Let's start over, this is the constant test of life, right? Why always to me, what have I done so much to deserve to be the only daughter of these leaders.

she thought, looking at the ground, as in most situations.

-But mom, I'm twelve, what training do I need at this age? -I've always wondered why I have to work on this since I was a child. When I saw the anger in her green eyes

I immediately realized that I didn't have to ask this question, I always wondered if my green eyes turned so deep green when I got angry. But my thoughts were interrupted.

-Lexa, you will understand one day when you have children. Add you more gently than I expected, which suggests I have a chance.

-Okay, can I go, I'll come home later and work much harder? I asked, turning my paw in a circle, pretending

an angel, but she knew well what I wanted and how I was trying to achieve it.

-Okay, but cousin Octavia will come with you. When he saw the disappointment in my eyes, he continued - Otherwise you will not go anywhere.

-Okay, but can I be an hour late then? I asked, but we will see the serious look, I already knew I would not go. Oh, stupid Lexa, you ruined your chance. She thought.

-Okay, but tomorrow you will study an extra hour. She said the words I didn't expect with my still serious look.

-Yes, good! I called and started running to find Octavia.

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"Okay, where is this house?" Octavia asked, careful not to fall as we crossed the rocks across the river.

"I was told he was there." I pointed to the other side of the river with my paw, careful not to fall.

It would usually be better to transform into people, but this is extremely forbidden and if they see us, they can kill us, no matter who we are.

-What do you want to see so much? People as people? -Add just by jumping after me on the other shore.

-Oh, if you're not interested, come back. Just go back and try not to run into my mother. You offer to continue to the forest.

-You know, that sounds great. Bye Lexa, if your mother sees me, I will tell her that you took us too much and I got scared and ran away.

- great - I finished.

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I walked in the woods for more than ten minutes and finally saw the house, and in front of it on the porch were two tall people sitting on chairs and drinking something.

Not far from them, he was sitting with his back to me on the lawn, gathering flowers. The child had blond hair. I don't know why, but I wanted to see his face. 

With you to the endOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz