BatCat (Meeting Each Other Again)

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Selina's POV:
I'm now running for my life. I stole a ruby from a private Jewelry Store in the City. Maybe it's strange to hear the reason why..but I'm doing this for someone. For the person I really wanted to meet..again. I know he would try to catch me and let the GCPD take care of me/do the job for him.

You reader. You're thinking the right person. I want Bruce Wayne back! I want him to look for me. Ofcourse it's strange..but this is the only way i know. I've been doing this for about 2 months. But Bruce haven't shown his angelic face,ever since. But i know he's with me all the time. He's just waiting for the right timing. And that's what i like😉.

Still running right now. Until i bump into someone. It's him! It's Bruce Wayne!!! Wearing his Batman costume. He pulled my hand.

-let me go- i'm acting like i don't know him.

I'm wearing a mask right now,and I dont think he recognized me.

-you've been stealing and doing crimes since last month- he said.
-i know! Then what?!- I'm trying not to show him howw I missed him very much. He tried to remove my mask.

-get your mask off. Show me your face.- he calmly said.
-And why would i do that for you?! After leaving me for months?! just for being a hero for this Freaking City?! Wow! So how are you feeling right now,Bruce?! Are you happy with your heroic life?! Hope you do! - I shouted at him. I just can't help it. Then he finally recognized me.
-Selina??- he called my name. Acting like he never knew it's me. But he's lying😒.

-GCPD!- Gordon's crew arrived.
'-Thanks for the help,Batman. Another most wanted criminal caught.- Gordon thanked Bruce.
-arrest her!- Bullock said.

-no!no! Wait.- Bruce said. Shielding me. He's right in front of me right now. Is he trying to protect me??
-Batman..Thank you..but we have to bring this women to the GCPD Office.- Gordon said.
-No. Just give me a minute with her- Bruce said.

I'm planning to escape. But still waiting for the right timing. Me and Bruce go somewhere private.

-what is it?- i asked him.
-Selina,why are you doing this? You'd get yourself in trouble- he calmly said.
-acting like you care?!-
-ofcourse i care!- he answered quickly.
-well..i dont!- i said then tried to escape. But he held my hand.
-i'll let you go. But please..let's talk.- he offered me.
-No! I dont need you help! I can escape from them! Even from you!!- i slightly pressed his chest. Then run away.

-Meet me in the Manor,anytime. I'll wait for you!- he screamed as i run and jumped to the rooftops away from him. But i heared that cristal clear.

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