Chapter 3: Jake?

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A week has passed by. I have to admit, it wasn't that bad. I didn't cross path with Lola or her friends, so it was a drama free week, thank God for that. I hung out with my friends and studied a lot; classes at the new school aren't as easy as the classes at my old school. Also, I've been practicing volleyball all week too. The team has improved significantly; as the saying goes, practice makes perfect. Sarah and I have become close; I can even say we're friends. Only one thing is still worrying me, Jake. He hasn't been to school, neither has he given signals of life. Chris went by his house twice, but he wasn't there. His grandmother said that he was away with his father and didn't know if he was going to stay and live with him. I hope that doesn't happen; Boston's a long way from here, and I need my best friend.

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"Hello there," Luke greets me friendly, sitting down in the seat next to mine. "It's been a while since we last talked."

"Yeah!" I agree.

"So... I hear you're quite the troublemaker," Luke discloses, and at first I didn't know at what he was referring to, but then it clicked me.

"Oh!! You know about that?" I ask embarrassedly.

"Yes, I saw the video," Luke answers smilingly. "Remind me to never mess with you."

"I will," I laugh. He's tall and muscular, so I don't think I could ever take him down on a fight.

"So... what have you been up to this past week? Is the school treating you alright?" Luke queries.

"Yes, I have to admit you were right, the school is not that bad after all," I answer sincerely. "I found my friends and I've been hanging out with them. I've also been busy with classes, studying a lot, and with volleyball; we've been practicing nonstop. I'm exhausted."

"Glad you found your friends," Luke comments heartfeltly. "And it's really dope you're in the Volleyball team."

"Thanks," I thank him sweetly. "And yeah... the team's great; a lot of fun and nice girls."

"Yeah, I know. I, myself, have a few friends on the team," he says. "By the way, I found out your name."

I laugh. "Took you a whole week to find out my name, huh?"

"Well, you're a mysterious woman. Not easy to find out things about you besides that you like sports and fighting," he states laughingly.

I smile innocently, bitting my lower lip. "Can't say the same thing about you. Students in the hallways can't stop talking about you. That's how I know you're in the football team." We haven't paid much attention to the teacher.

"Don't believe all they say about me in the hallways," he jokes, his perfect white teeth showing. "...and yeah, I'm the captain of the football team. We started practicing last week and has been really intense. The coach is really set on winning this year. And I also play other sports, so managing the time has been a bit difficult too."

"Yeah, I know how difficult and tiring it is. I'm basically in almost all of the teams, except basketball because they don't have a girls' team, and I suck at it," I giggle. "Bowling tournament is next week and the soccer games start at the end of the month. I've only practiced volleyball because I have not had the time to go to soccer practices. Bowling is with another coach I don't like and practices started before I came here, so I don't go. I practice alone with my dad on Fridays. Coach Larry talked that arrangement with coach Franklin."

"You like sports, huh?" Luke asks surprisedly.

"Yes," I answer smilingly. "They are good to relieve stress and make you feel better. It's like free therapy for me."

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