Chapter 10: Luke's birthday party

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"You're late, Miss Cole," Mr. Coleman acknowledges.

"Sorry," I apologize embarrassedly, walking towards my seat. 

I woke up late because I didn't hear the alarm. Yesterday, I barely slept; my head kept going over my fight with Sam. I'm mad at him; he has no right to forbid me things, not even my father does it. 

"I've been hearing these crazy, absurd rumors," Lola startles me, sitting down next to me. "People are saying that you're dating my brother. Insane, right?"

She throws me off guard, leaving me at a loss for words. My lack of response and my 'oh shit what I'm supposed to say' face kind of give her a response.

"NO WAY!! It's true? How can that be?" She asks perplexed and a little loud, causing a few heads to turn our way.

"Please lower your voice," I plead. "Can you wait to talk about this later, after we get out of class?" The death glare she gives me, tells me she's not happy about this. Girl, right about now, I'm not happy either, so chill. 

"Wait?" she exalts. "I cannot wait. This is unbelievable. Of all the girls my brother could screw, he chose you? Fregging great! He's playing with you, there's no other explanation. My brother would never date a girl like you."

Her comment makes my blood boil and I snap, "fuck you! If you have a problem take it out with your brother and leave me the fuck alone for once. I'm tired of your nonending crap." With that said, I stumble out of the classroom, anger pulsing through my veins. The whole class and the teacher heard my little rant.

------------------ FLAMES ------------------

"Hey! Wait!" Sam shouts, jogging to catch up with me. 

"What do you want?" I ask annoyed. I was already mad at him and his sister just made it a whole lot worse. 

"I was worried sick about you last night. You didn't answer my calls," Sam tells me, his face really showing concerned. He grabs my hand causing me to stop walking. 

"I didn't want to talk to you," I reply harshly. "And I still don't feel like talking to you."

"Why are you mad?" he asks obliviously. 

Did he really just ask me that? Did he erase the whole fight from yesterday? His question makes me even angrier. "Why am I mad? Are you kidding? Did you forget our whole fight from yesterday? I can start naming a whole lot of reasons why I am mad. And everytime you talk, more reasons are added to my list," I answer, exalted. "I have to go, my friends are waiting for me in the cafeteria. And by the way, your sister know about us; there goes another reason from the long list. She's looking for you." I leave him standing alone, shocked by my sudden reaction.

"Hey," Luke greets me happily when I sit at the table.

"Hi," I simply reply.

"You okay?" Luke asks concerned. Everyone at the table stares at me waiting for my answer.

"All good," I force a smile.

"We were just talking about my birthday. You know is Saturday, right?" Luke asks.

"Yes," I respond.

"Well, I was thinking maybe we could go bowling or something.  I don't want to spend my birthday stuck at home," he says, oblivious of our party plan.

"Sure, of course," I agree, to keep our cover. My friends let out a sigh of relief; they thought I was going to ruin the surprise.

"Great. It wouldn't have been the same without you," Luke says smilingly. Sam's comment about Luke liking me invades my head. Okay, so maybe Jake and Sam are right, and Luke does like me, but that doesn't mean I like him, well at least not as more than friends. 

FlamesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon