My Dream Day

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I never was able to enjoy the peace of a rainy day until I started to see its beauty.
The way it perfectly falls on every particle of grass and every tree branch.
though it may flood the streets, it also cleanses everything it touches
like every soul is re-born under the blanket of rain harvested from the dark clouds above

In a way I relate to the rain
as the majority of people hate it and are annoyed by its presence
though a select few find it enjoyable
but even then it still has its flaws

My dream day is cruising down jefferson,
while it's not pouring rain, but just enough for it not to be a drizzle
I'll put on my "all time low" playlist
and drive until I reach an abandoned lakeside restaurant where i'll park my car near the water, open my windows and get out of my car
and stare into the vast sea while i drown out my thoughts to the lyrics of every song.
And the cold touch of the rain will trickle down my spine through my drenched clothing wrapping around me, swaddling me like a child.

It may sound cliche but dancing in the rain is also a dream of mine,
being able to be completely happy and dance while the rain washes my shame and darkness away, while my inner light shines.
I see light in the rain, and i always hope it never ends.

I relate to thunderstorms,
it starts off as a simple drizzle and turns into strikes of lightening and thunder, bruising the sky and bringing everything down, like how my dark thoughts ruin my day, life and relationships... i hope one day to make peace with the thunder and lighting in order to achieve inner-peace, but that's a long way to go.

My dream day is spent alone, but not feeling alone. Though I'd love for someone to sit and mourn in the rain with my playlist or shine and dance with me, i don't want my peace to be dependent on them.

My dream day is mosts worst days.

————————————————————————hey!! so i didn't expect people to actually see my chapters and i'm grateful some of you comment and relate :))) this is honestly my venting space.

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