Chapter 25: One Man's Delusion and Another's Misfortune

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America wasn't sure what had happened . One minute he's in a meeting room with Tyler trying to calm Germany down and the next, he was dead asleep. He vaguely remembers Lithuania shouting about some kind of smoke or gas. After that everything's a blur.

Now he's coming to and finds himself in a really weird room. The room looks like Uncle Sam himself designed it. There's red, white, blue splattered everywhere imaginable. The bed he's on has a red frame with white sheets and blue pillows. There's also a star on each pillow.

The only other pieces of furniture in the room besides the bed were a desk and a chair. The desk was mahogany and the chair looked to be made of some type of metal that didn't look comfortable.

There are no windows in the room so America can't tell what time it is or where he is. The blonde gets off the bed and walks towards the door. When he reaches said door, he tries to open it only to find it locked.

Though this would be a problem for any other person, America is far from being like everyone else. He smirks because he knows his unnatural strength will easily knock down the door without much hassle.

Just as he's raising his leg to kick the door down, said door decides to fly open suddenly. America is knocked back to where he's up against the front frame of the bed. He looks up just in time to see someone not really unexpected enter the room.


His blonde hair and grey eyes were unmistakable. And his smirk, oh America remembers that smirk all to well. He used to think it was sort of cute, but now it's slowly become a creepy facial expression that America never wants to see.

"You." America growled. He quickly got up from where he had landed so that he was able to stand almost eye to eye with Maxwell. Curse the human for being slightly taller than him. "Me." Maxwell replied though his tone was more cheerful than America's.

"Did you do this? Where am I? And what's up with this room?" America rambled. Whenever he got nervous, he always just started jabbering about the current situation that had made him nervous. Most people get annoyed with it however Maxwell only seemed amused and maybe even a little enthralled by it.

Maxwell approached America gracefully and with that same smirk that he was trying to conceal with a soft smile. "Hush, my dear." He placed a finger over America's mouth in a shushing motion. America, of course, glared at him and pushed Maxwell's hand away from his face.

Maxwell didn't seemed deterred by this either. "I know you must be very confused and scared, but trust me, soon you will understand everything. I suggest that you sit down for this." Maxwell gently grabbed the American's shoulders and tried to guide him to the bed, but once again, America protested.

He yanked one of his shoulders away from Maxwell's grip and used his hand to reason the other one. He stood as far as he could from Maxwell in the small room, his glare fierce and never ending.

"No, I won't! And what to do you mean understand? Why did you bring me here?" America asked. His hands were clenched into fists at his sides. It was clear that he was starting to get impatient with Maxwell and the situation.

Maxwell sighed pinching the bridge of his nose in irritation.  "Must you always be so frustrating, my love? And if you would let me explain, you would already have the answers you so desperately seek." Maxwell pointed out.

America knew what the human was saying was true. Despite his anger and all his instincts screaming at him to just bust down a nearby wall, America nodded for Maxwell to continue.

Once Maxwell saw that America was paying attention to what he was saying, he spoke.

"I have taken you away from all those ruffians and their unfair treatment of you. Now we can finally be together without the interruptions of the world. Doesn't that sound great?" Maxwell smiled at America. He had been expecting for the younger to smile back. To show him that smile that was a little slice of heaven.

But he didn't. Instead he glared at Maxwell however his eyes held some type of sadness or pity for the grey eyed man. "NO IT DOESN'T! You can't force me to be here with you, Max. I don't love you. What don't you get about that?" America snapped at him.

He was done playing games with this man. And so it seems was Maxwell. The blonde human started advancing on the immortal nation. He kept walking towards him until he was backed up against the wall. Maxwell placed both of his hands beside America's head and leaned so close that their noses were touching.

He made sure to look America in the eyes when he said, "You will love me, one day. I'll keep you here for as long as I need to. I show you all the passion and love I have to give. Even if it takes all night or a hundred years, you will learn to love me." Maxwell leaned forward and pressed his lips against America's.

The blonde nation hadn't been expecting Maxwell to physically act and was taken aback by the sudden kiss. Of course he pushed Maxwell away sending him flying across the room. Maxwell landed against the wall with a thud.

Now was his chance. Maxwell had been stupid enough to leave the door unlocked. So Alfred made a break for it. Hopefully Maxwell won't be able to catch him. It was a hope and a prayer.

A hope that would turn to despair and a prayer that would go unheard.
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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2020 ⏰

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