Chapter 2: Letters and a Giant Man

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Chapter 2: Letters and a Giant Man

🌺⚡Lily's POV⚡🌺

Ever since that day at the zoo, letters addressed to me and Harry keep showing up.

They came through the mail slot until Uncle Vernon boarded it up.

One night, Harry and I saw him burning the letter in the fireplace.
This kept happening all week long.

Me and Harry haven't been able to get our hands on a single letter.

I had a tray of cookies in my hand in the living as the Dursley's ate them. Uncle Vernon looks like a mad man with the way he's smiling.

"Fine day, Sunday. In my opinion, best day of the week. Why is that, Dudley?" Vernon asks, looking at his son.
Dudley just looks at him and shrugs.
I hold out the tray to Uncle Vernon.

"Cause there's no post on Sunday?" I say questioningly to him.

"Right you are, Lily! Right you are." He says as he grabs a cookie.

"No post on Sunday. No blasted letters today! No! Not one single bloody letter. Not one! No, not one blasted, miserable.." He rants until a letter flies out of the fireplace and hits him in the face.

I look at the fireplace in surprise.
The fireplace begins to shake and it sounds like an earthquake is happening.

A sudden flood of letters addressed to me and Harry come flying out of it.

I drop the tray I was holding in surprise then smile widely and let out a laugh. The Dursleys were complaining and wailing to make it stop as letters came from every direction.

Harry jumps on the coffee table and grabs a letter for each of us.
I grab his hand and run toward the cupboard and try unlocking it.

Vernon comes up behind us and wraps his arms around both of us, picking us up.

"Hey, let go of us!" I scream as I thrash around.

"Get off! They're our letters!" Harry yells as he thrashes as well. Vernon falls back as he holds us.

"That's it! We're going away! Far away! Where they can't find us!" Vernon yells.

"Daddy's gone mad, hasn't he?" I hear Dudley yell as me and Harry continue to thrash around.


The place Uncle Vernon took us was an old building on the ocean.

It's leaky and dusty and a bit moldy. Dudley gets to sleep on the couch with a pillow and blanket while me and Harry are on the cold floor.

Me and Harry were both awake, laying on our stomachs as we drew in the dust on the floor.

We were drawing a birthday cake that says 'Happy Birthday Harry and Lily' with candles on the top.

"Let's make a wish." I say as I hear Dudley's watch go off, signaling it's midnight, also signalling that it's our eleventh birthday.

We look at each other and nod before looking at the dust cake. We both take a deep breath and blow at the candles, making them disappear.

A second later, the door started shaking as if someone was banging on the door.

Me and Harry both quickly get up as Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia walk down the stairs and Dudley wakes up on the couch, standing up.
Uncle Vernon has a shotgun in his hands.

Lily Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Fred Weasley X OC)Where stories live. Discover now