Chris chuckled. "I'm only messing with you, Ellie. I know you're into doctors now."

"Not just any doctor. Only one." She murmured as if in a daze with herself.

It made my heart skip a beat when she flat out said that. Her playful side has gotten louder, something I couldn't wait to explore.

"I'll be back in a few. Maybe I'll bring you a surprise." Chris eyed me.

"Chelsea, just hang up on him." Ellie grumbled before the line went dead.

"Sorry about that. I just wanted you to see that nothing is going to happen between the two of us anymore." Chris sighed. "We're almost there. When we get there, just watch her for a little bit. She gets crappy after a few hours of sitting with one person, I can't imagine five with a flirty personality like Chelsea."

I nodded, trying to hide my anticipation as the rustic brick building came into view. The windows were blacked out, leaving only the big sign above the door that read "Inkedd" in bold red lettering.

I silently followed Chris. My heart pounding from my chest as we walked towards the back of the building. A buzzing noise intensified, growing louder with each step. Jets, are you gunna be my girl mingled with the buzz as I heard Ellie's soft voice sing along to the lyrics.

My body relaxed into the wall as I watched her, hunched over in a rolling stool, much like the one I use at the office. Her brown wavy hair tied loosely up into a top bun. The tattoo gun rested in her hand as she did small, tedious strokes onto the back of a barely dressed porn star.

Everything in me wanted to grab her and bring her close to my body. But I listened to Chris and just watched her.

I watched as she made such soft touches to Chelsea's skin, constantly asking if she's still comfortable. Ellie would shake her hand a few times in between before tending back to the person in front of her with her head bobbing to the music randomly.

She seemed so in control. So at ease. Like this was second nature to her.

Like she was meant to be doing this.

"Ellie, gotta admit. I'm starting to get a bit numb." Chelsea sighed, stretching her arms into the air beside her.

"Oh thank god. I was going to call it soon. Six hours is way too long to be sitting like that." Ellie snapped her black gloves off and turned off the tattoo gun.

Only then did her eyes meet mine.

She looked completely star stricken with her wide ocean blues taking in my entire being in front of her.

"Oh shit! That looks awesome so far." Chris spoke loudly, jumping over to Chelsea who was climbing out of the chair.

I broke my lingering glance to the woman of my dreams to see her work.

Inked feathers, that looked as if taken off a real fallen angel, stretched down Chelsea pale back, darkening towards the bottom.

It was stunning.

Even if it wasn't fully complete.

Ellie shook her head before rushing over to Chelsea. She held up a mirror so Chelsea could see the tattoo on her back.


"Try not to sleep on your back tonight. It's going to itch and I don't want you rubbing it against anything." Ellie paused, "or anyone."

"No promises." Chelsea looked to Chris with a smile and a wink.

Once her clients attention was off of her, Ellie ran up to me. Wrapping her arms around my neck. I held her just as urgently back, taking in her sweet perfume scent that still lingered in my bed sheets this morning. I stuffed my nose into her neck, kissing her skin softly. A satisfied breath left her lips, coating my cheek in her warm air.

"I haven't been tattooing for two days have I?" She giggled, but even through that sweet little laugh, I could hear her soft tears.

"No, I got on a plane two hours after you left." I whispered back, squeezing her chest into me.

Ellie pulled away just enough to give me a simple peck on the lips. "Thank you."

I rested my forehead to hers and closed my eyes. Enjoying a moment that should have happened four years ago.


-I'll be going away on vacation next week so I won't be able to post. I'm hoping to get a few more chapters up by Sunday but no promises.

We had some bad weather this week and I lost power but it finally came back this morning. I wasn't going to post these chapters until tomorrow but after all the love, I had to. I just had to, guys.

- HOLY SHIT! I never expected this series to get this many views, comments or likes. Just A Fling is #7 in romance right now which I think is insane. So thank you thank you thank you. Especially to those that have been around since the early days, I remember you guys and thank you so much for getting the OG going with your support <333

-i ran out of important stuff so just idk, where do you guys live?

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