5. Stay with me

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Now returning to the student council room, Ishigami's and Chika's interwoven hands didn't separate–and neither of them minded nor was planning to point it out–while quickly rushing through the hallway.

As soon as they reached the classroom where their friends patiently waited for them, Chika burst through the open door with a rap. "Yo, yo, yo! Ishigami-kun should be back by now, yo!"

Kaguya blinked, surprised by Fujiwara's randomness but also pleased to see her arrive. "Oh, you guys are back?"

Chika stared at Ishigami expectantly, as if waiting for him to follow her lead, and he caved in with a sigh (he'd only do this for Chika).

Yu began rapping (but with an extremely monotone voice and bored expression) as Chika beatboxed next to him. "Ayo, yo, yo, I'm here, I guess, yo!"

Shirogane and Kaguya couldn't help the snicker that escaped them seeing the two goofing around together despite their usual banter.

Chika nudged Ishigami's arm, grinning widely at him. He looked down at her, smiling affectionately without realizing before playfully rolling his eyes at her.

But when he turned around, Ishigami hadn't expected to see Iino Miko standing next to Kaguya and Shirogane, approaching him slowly. He took a small step back, eyes widening instantly as his heartbeat quickened with an uneasy throb.

Why did this feel so weird? He didn't want to stay anymore...

Chika turned around to see him in sheer puzzlement. "Ishigami-kun?" she murmured with a mix of worry and confusion.

Ishigami didn't answer, but his hand slipped from hers, surprising (and upsetting) her. It already felt cold without him holding it.

Maybe it was his shame and self-deprecation playing a part, but Ishigami slowly backed away before running out of the room; not looking back for a second.

This time, Chika yelled, "Huh?! Ishigami, wait!" She shot off running after him but he had already vanished from sight.

The pink-haired girl wasn't about to give up, immediately deciding to keep looking for him, but Shirogane stopped her by suddenly grabbing her arm.

She turned around with a glare, feeling more than a little angry he prevented her from leaving.

Miyuki ignored her glaring. "We should look for him together. Don't go off by yourself," he told her calmly, contrasting her impatience to go look for her friend.

Chika stared at him, no longer glowering but still tense, before her shoulders slumped a little and she sighed.

"What do you think happened to Ishigami-kun?" she asked with clear concern.

Miko glanced away, looking quite uncomfortable. She was pretty sure it was because he still wasn't ready to face her after all. She felt somewhat relieved, since she wasn't exactly ready, either–but at the same time she couldn't help but worry, too.

"He's so unpredictable, it's impossible to know sometimes... For now, let's separate and look for him—" Kaguya spoke as she walked next to the president and cleared her throat to catch everyone's attention. "Or we could go in pairs?" She stared at Shirogane expectantly, blushing red. "What do you think, president?"

Shirogane quickly looked away, blushing just as much. "Ahem... Pairs would be nice..."

"You two can go on pairs." Miko made them flinch with her straightforward tone. "I'll stay here... until you guys come back."

Chika nodded. "I'll go then." She just was glad nobody stopped her this time–

"Ah, Fujiwara-senpai, before you go..." Miko interrupted her thoughts; taking a hold of her arm and preventing her from leaving just like Miyuki had.

Chika doesn't like Ishigami-kun ✔ (Complete) Where stories live. Discover now