1. Chika denies everything

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Everyone seemed busy in the student council.

Kaguya Shinomiya and Miyuki Shirogane were talking to each other, as usual, while Yu Ishigami was playing a videogame on the side, and Miko Iino was pretending she wasn't staring at him every so often.

Meanwhile, Chika Fujiwara had other plans.

"Hey, hey, hey!" She gave everyone in the student council a big grin; cheering up the mood as was her forte. "Guess who's got a new board game!"

No one answered.

Now Chika became a little angry at the clear lack of attention from her best friends. "Hey!" she repeated, loud enough to catch everybody's hearing. "Is anybody listening?!" she wondered dejectedly inside her head.

Shirogane turned towards her in ever so slight surprise. "Oh, Fujiwara-san, you're there? Is something the matter...?" he asked, not having heard what she said previously.

Chika huffed but smiled again. "Yeah! I've got this new board game I'm planning I kinda need help with! Hehe." She sounded nervous (which was quite odd coming from Fujiwara), but excited (which was more common). "Do any of you guys wanna help me with it?!"

Ishigami immediately turned around. "Count me out." He slid his headphones down from his ears to tell her this. "I've had enough of Fujiwara-senpai's board games..."

The pink-haired girl blinked, being momentarily taken aback, but then put her hands on her hips angrily. "Well– Hmph! It's not like I was gonna ask you anyways, Ishigami-kun!" It wasn't exactly true.

Ishigami merely shrugged and turned back to his game.

Chika turned to the rest of them with sparkly eyes, hopeful. "So, anybody wanna help me? Please?" she practically begged.

Iino frowned sadly at her. "I-I'm sorry Fujiwara-senpai, but I have a meeting with our class today... I really want to help you, but I can't..."

Chika suddenly felt a pang of guilt. "It's fine, Miko-chan! I understand you wanna help me, and I'm grateful, see?" She gave Miko a big smile to reassure her, looking a bit silly.

Iino smiled back at her.

"But Kaguya? Shirogane-kun...?" They were her last hopes. But when she turned towards them they were no different from the rest of the group.

Kaguya shook her head sternly with a slight frown. "I'm sorry, Fujiwara-san... But me and the President are going to be busy today clearing up school papers and planning the next school charity event..." she explained, with her usual professional voice.

"I'm sorry, Fujiwara-san..." Shirogane told her with sympathy.

Chika was quiet for a while until realization fully hit her. "...Oh." She forced a smile, trying her best to stay cheery. "I-it's fine..." She turned away and her smile disappeared, though nobody noticed.

"Everyone seems like they're doing something more important... I..." Feeling a little overwhelmed, she walked away from her friends and out of the student council room without another word.

Ishigami followed her with his eyes, even though he feigned indifference.


He knew it was weird, but his conscience wouldn't let him let her go when she was clearly upset over this (even though she was trying to hide it), just to make sure she was okay.

After a long while of searching, he found her in a corner, sitting with her knees pulled close to her chest against the wall.

On the floor was her board game, thousands of minuscule pieces spilled on the floor; it looked like at first she had tried to pick them up and fix them, but gave up and sat down in defeat.

Chika doesn't like Ishigami-kun ✔ (Complete) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum