Chainsaw Massacre. Not in Texas.

Start from the beginning

"Mikoto merges with Twilight Prankster, beats the heck out of the main villian and brings back the Multiverse." Maka said with a roll of her eyes. "Now can we please get going? We have to find out what happened with the plane! And if there are any survivors!! Right Soul? Soul?"

Soul was on his knees, scrambling to piece some torn wet pages back together. "C-come on.. live damn it!! LIVE!! I need to see if Natsu beats Kakine!!"


Ichigo and Soul both ate sand as Maka thwacked her book into both their heads.

"Bunch of idiots.. " Maka grumbled.

After Ichigo, Maka and Soul had found some dry clothes.. (From their own leftover luggage luckily enough.) They began to explore the beach..

The island looked like one of your stereotypical deserted islands. A tropical forest in the background.. a volcano in the distance... really white sands... coconuts..

Soul picked up one coconut, and morphed his arm into a scythe blade so he could carve a goofy face into it.

"Soul what are you doing?" Maka muttered.

"'s how everyone does it.." said Soul with a shrug.

"Okay.." said Ichigo. "So... as far as we know, we have no idea where we are... we're stuck on a beach with.." Ichigo shivered and pointed at Excalibur. "Him.. And we have no way of knowing where civilization is.."

"Hey look a light house." said Soul pointing at what was obviously a light house on the west end of the beach.

"I stand corrected." Ichigo muttered.

12 minutes later.. Ichigo was knocking on the lighthouse door. "Hello? Hello!? er.. we're not salesmen.."

No answer.

"WHAM!!!" Ichigo suddenly kicked the door and sent it flying into the building with a crash.


And right after Ichigo found his chin hitting the ground as Maka once more whacked him over the head with the spine of her book.

"Y-ya trying to turn me into a living bookshelf?" Ichigo groaned.

"Ha!" said Soul. "If I were Arnold Schwartznager I'd say this was the perfect time to get AWAY from the Choppa.."


Soul ended up on the ground next to Ichigo.. a bruise growing on his head as he moaned. "G-get to the choppa..."

"Hmph.. Fool.." Excalibur muttered.

A few seconds later, the foursome peeked into the lighthouse.. looking around beyond the doorway. It seemed as if the place was deserted.

"Kay.." said Soul. "Maybe if we look around, we might find something to communicate with.. eh Ichigo? Ichigo?"

Ichigo was staring up at the chuckling sun with a grumpy frown. "Creepy ass sun.."


"Oh uh.. right.."

The group moved inside.. turning over old boxes that were all full of books and strange files.. it was then that one file in particular caught Maka's attention..

The title said. "Study of the Relation between a Soul Reaper and Zanpakuto... by Dr. Franken Stein.."

Maka's eyes went wide and she picked up the book and then began flipping through it. "It's not possible.. no way.."

"Hey Maka.. What's that you're looking at?" Soul suddenly popped up behind Maka so suddenly, that Maka jumped several feet in the air in shock. "MAKA CHOP!!!"

Soul Reapers Work For Death: Book 1, World of DeathWhere stories live. Discover now