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"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" Hollow Ichigo dashed at Crona.. swinging Tensa Zangetsu around in wild unpredictable arcs... throwing up sparks as his blade met against Black Blood and the blade of Ragnarok

"U-Uh... I-I don't know how to deal with this!!" Crona stammered as he was continuosly hammered into submission by the laughing psychotic partially masked boy... "Raganarok!!!"

"Don't ask me!! I didn't know this kid was that unhinged!!!" Raganarok shot back. "Just hack him up before he can hack you up!!!"

"R-right!!!" Crona leapt back.. barely dodging the tip of Tensa Zangetsu's blade. "S-Scream Resonance!!"

once more, a mouth opened near the base of Ragnarok's blade.. letting out a tremendous super sonic screech..

Hollow Ichigo just laughed. "Give me a break kiddo!!! A good ol' fashioned screech like that's just music to my ears!!!"

Hollow Ichigo powered through the super sonic waves.. dashing through it like was nothing, letting out multiple slashes as he went.. throwing a powerful barrage of black Getsuga Tenshous at Crona..

"SCREECH GAMMA!!!" Ragnarok turned into an energy blade again, and somehow Crona was able to multislash the the Getsugas to pieces..

Hollow Ichigo suddenly dissapeared in a blitz of hyper speed, and reappeared right behind Crona, grabbing her shoulder with a bloodthirsty look in his eyes.. as his mask began to look more and more complete.. now covering half of Ichigo's face.

"Getsuga.. TENSHOU!!!"

A massive blsack Getsuga exploded in the room, blasting all the pews back and tearing the entire roof of the church apart to reveal the bloody grinning moon.

Crona found herself standing in a crater.. wobbling as black blood dripped down all over her body. "Wha-th-that hurt.."

"CRONA BEHIND YOU!!!" Ragnarok shouted. Just in time Crona slashed her sword up behind her and blocked Hollow Ichigo's black blade in a burst of sparks.

"OH GOODIE!!" Hollow Ichigo laughed. "A present... FOR MEEE!?"

Hollow Ichigo grabbed Crona's  head and threw her up into the air before jumping up from below and slashing multiple bloody gashes into her chest with Tensa Zangetsu... his swings and attacks being wide and wild...

Crona swung her sword downwards without hesitation. "Screech Alpha..."

Once more.. a mouth made of tremendous dark energy came sweeping down at Hollow Ichigo.. But Hollow Ichigo lashed out a hand which tore through the blast... recieving a cut in the process.. a cut that was bleeding with black blood.

"WHOOPS!!" Hollow Ichigo laughed as his palm  thrust straight into Crona's stomach. "I'm BLEEDING!!!"

The black blood on Hollow Ichigo's palm suddenly turned into a black spike that stabbed straight through Crona's stomach.. causing black blood of her own to splatter out..

"Bloody Needle.." Crona murmured. Multiple bloody spikes shot out of Crona's injuries.. stabbing into multiple points of Hollow Ichigo's body.

Hollow Ichigo laughed again and broke away from Crona.. black blood flying from his body. "Nice use for your blood drive there..But I've got a few donations of my own!!"

Hollow Ichigo slit his thumb across the blade of Tensa Zangetsu.. that way black blood was smeared across the even blacker blade..

"GETSUGA KETSUEKI!!!" (Blood Moon Fang) Hollow Ichigo let out another black Getsuga Tenshou.. only this time.. liquid black blood twisted around the blast, morphing it and twisting it into multiple energy spikes that shot into Crona like powerful missle projectiles..

Soul Reapers Work For Death: Book 1, World of DeathWhere stories live. Discover now