More School Mates

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Ichigo had strange and disturbed dreams.. he dreamt that he had woken up in his bedroom.. his REAL bedroom in his world..

He had sighed out loud with relief.. sure that his time in Death City.. the DWMA.. the momentary possession by the hollow within him, had all been some sort of bad dream.. however, when he had gone downstairs looking for his two sisters Yuzu and Karin, and his father... he instead found Death The Kid, Patty, Liz, Maka, Soul, Tsubaki and Black Star all sitting around the dining table.. eating cooking that was being made by his sister Yuzu, while Karin and his father danced on the table.. apparently entertaining their guests..

Ichigo stared at what was going on.. and demanded that his father get down from the table and stop embarrassin him in front of Patty..

But Isshin Kurosaki merely grinned in the usual immature boyish manner he always did and said. "Don't you get it Ichigo!!? These new friends of yours are alright! Why don't you ever bring them home for dinner!?"

Ichigo proceeded to explain that though he recently befriended them.. the truth was he really didn't know him, and they only thought they knew him.. but Kid interupted.

"Now now Ichigo.. don't be such a soresport.." said Kid. "Can't you see that their dance is a perfect 8 beats per minute!! Such wonderous symmetry!!"

Then.. at that moment.. the dream changed... Ichigo found himself standing within his inner world.. on one of the usaul skyscrapers.. and an old man with dark shades.. long black hair and a billowing black cloak.. was standing on the hilt of Zangetsu.. which was embedded in the building..

It was Zangetsu.. or at least.. the Zangetsu as Ichigo knew him (This is actually the manifestation of the Quincy powers Ichigo inherited from his mother pretending to be Zangetsu.. and supplying Ichigos powers by manifesting Hollow Ichigo.. the true Zangetsu within his form..)

"Old man Zangetsu.." Ichigo muttered. "What the heck is going on?"

"That you have to figure out for yourself Ichigo.." said the Old Man Zangetsu in his echoing voice. "Things in this world aren't right..another spirit is siezing control.. normally.. it would be problem within itself... that your blood is black..."

Zangetsu suddenly changed.. and morphed instantly into white Ichigo.. who gave Ichigo a grin. "Now that your blood is black.. the Madness is just seeping through!!!"

With that.. some cloth wrapped around White Ichigo's face, showing a covering with three frightening eye markings..

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" the markings of the Kishin seemed to make Hollow Ichigo all the more deranged... "MY BLOOD IS BLACK!!!"

In an instant.. Ichigo's eyes opened wide as he woke with a start... He was back out of his Soul Reaper form.. now wearing an ordinary black t-shirt and jeans.. lying on his bed in Death City..

And sitting at the foot of his bed.. was none other then...

"TOSHIRO!!" Ichigo exclaimed. "No way! It really is you!"

A vein throbbed near Toshiro's head. "Captain Hitsugaya to you!"

"Whatever.." said Ichigo. "Listen Toshiro.. am I still dreaming!? Is it really-?"

"Yeah it's me." said Toshiro. "Looks like you've already had a few troubles of your own in this world.."

"Yeah.." said Ichigo. "Don't tell me.. there's a bunch of people in this world who think they know you but don't.."

"Actually no." said Toshiro. "Though I heard about that particular problem from Professor Stein. Apparently the guy who runs this place, Lord Death, didn't remember you.. and that's not something that's supposed to happen.."

Soul Reapers Work For Death: Book 1, World of DeathWhere stories live. Discover now