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Third POV

"So what's her deal?? Why is she still crazy about you?" Taehyung asked as he was fixing up the table with plates and forks and napkins for him and Jungkook. "I don't know, that girl is crazy," Jungkook answered Taehyung's question as he was cooking the chicken and rice. After the chicken and rice was done, Jungkook placed the food on the plates and both boys sat across from each other and began to eat. You didn't stand up for me when she continued to talk shit. You just watched us fight. I think you still like her, or maybe even love her since she said she was your first love and always will be-" Taehyung was cut off by Jungkook slamming his hand loudly and hard on the table.

"Do you hear yourself right now??! She cheated and tried to frame me to the cops for stupid ass shit!! She even made her mom fight my mom for no reason," Jungkook said, getting angry. Taehyung flinched at the sight. "Did you guys love each other?" Taehyung asked. "I thought I loved her, but she never loved me from the start," Jungkook answered. "How long did you guys dated for?" Taehyung asked. "7 months,"

They both sat there, eating, not talking. Soon was interrupted by the door bell going off. Taehyung got up and walked over to the door and opened it. "Where is he??" Jade asked. "Oh great," Taehyung said sarcastically and rolled his eyes. Jungkook heard Jade's voice and got up from his chair and went over to Taehyung. "What the fuck are you doing here??!" Jungkook said to Jade. "Jungkook baby, please, let's just talk," Jade pleaded. Taehyung just stood there with his arms crossed. "Get the fuck out of my life Jade," Jungkook said.

Jade began to walk inside the house. "Jungkook listen to me. We can get back together and start fresh. Don't you want me back? Don't you miss the great hot and rough sex? Don't you want the fun back??" Jade walked up to Jungkook, not caring that he was heated and had anger in his eyes. "Burn in hell!" Jungkook then made a fist and punch Jade across the face. Taehyung gasped and covered his mouth.

Jungkook grabbed the fork on the table and walked up to Jade. "Jungkook wa-" Jade tried saying but immediately was getting stabbed and tear into. Taehyung's eyes were wide open, shocked and scared. Seeing Jungkook tear someone apart with only a fork made him froze in fear, shaking and crying. "You! Fucking! BITCH!!" Jungkook yelled as he continued to stab Jade until there was nothing left but open skin and flesh and blood everywhere.

Jungkook threw the fork to the side and breathe heavily. He turned his head, seeing Taehyung crying and scared. He got up and walked up to Taehyung. Taehyung immediately got up and tried backing away from Jungkook but ended up against the wall. Jungkook put his arm on the wall and leaned close to Taehyung. "I want you to clean up the blood, I'll handle the body," Jungkook instructed.

Jungkook threw away his clothes after burying Jade somewhere far in the woods. He drove back to the house and parked in the drive way. He walked in the house and closed to door behind him. He was impressed by how clean and spotless the floor looked like, due to the fact there was a lot of blood on the ground before he left. He saw the dishes washed and the table cleaned. Jungkook sighed and went upstairs and went to his room.

He sees Taehyung facing the window, looking outside. He slowly walked up to Taehyung and hugged him from behind. "I need to take a shower, come join me," Jungkook whispered in Taehyung's ear...

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