Of Banquets, Bastards and Burials Pt.1

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You and Geralt had been fighting this selkimore for what seemed like all morning. Eventually, you two came to the conclusion that you needed to take it out from the inside. Looking at Geralt you gave him a nod signaling that you were going to go for it. As you called the Selkimore toward you, you jumped into its mouth knowing that you have to go to work quickly in order to not die. You take your sword out and slash through its stomach walls. The opening forced you and the guts of the monster out. Landing on the ground you just know that all your clothing is ruined by not only the look but the smell that engulfed you. You see Geralt's hand out of the corner of your eye and grab it letting him help you up. "Thank you". You stumble up and start walking towards the tavern, talking to Geralt on your way there. As you arrive at the tavern you notice that there are lots of people surrounding the table that Jaskier is sitting at. He starts up his famous song about you and Geralt 'Toss a Coin'. You both ignore it and walk to the bar to get a drink. You take a sip of yours, and swish it around in your mouth you then proceed to spit it onto the floor to get the horrid taste of the selkimore guts out of your mouth. Soon enough you feel Jaskier's presence beside you. "What is it this time Jask". "Well since you asked I have a teensy tiny little favor for you" replies Jaskier. Clearly annoyed by Jaskiers approach, Geralt comments "Fu*k off bard". You playfully slap him on the arm. "Hey now be nice". Jaskier starts on about having the two of you protect him at this banquet, basically asking you to be his bodyguard for the night. You and Geralt start walking away to go clean yourselves off not paying any more attention to the bard. "Food, women, and wine Geralt." He stops in his tracks causing you to bump into him. You suddenly realize that this means he is planning on going and he is going to drag you with him. " I hate you both" you retort, not ready to be a protector in a night surrounded by snobby royals. You finally move into the bathroom and into the tub with Geralt and Jaskier around you. Being a Witcher and not really having a home or tavern to go to most nights you would have to bathe in the stream down the hill with Geralt keeping watch to make sure you don't get mauled during your few moments alone. So yes he has seen you naked multiple times but you see each other as siblings and nothing more than that. So being in the tub with Jaskier and Geralt around felt like a normal afternoon. Being fancy Jaskier decided to place fragrant bath salts and forget me not petals in the bath. You finally got to the part where you had to wash the clumpy mess of blood, guts, and sweat out of your (h/l) (h/c) hair. Geralt having done this multiple times sits at the stool behind the tub and begins lathering your hair. Appreciating the feeling of your mangled locks coming loose you sigh into his touch both of you knowing that it's a platonic relationship and there has never been anything between you. Jaskier not knowing this places a Jealous look onto his features and dumps a huge bucket of water on your head separating the two of you and leaving you sputtering. Geralt sighs in disbelief and decides to quickly finish off your hair. "Oh, stop your boorish grunts of protest, its just one night of protecting one of your best friends in the whole wide world!" Jaskier says. "Were not your friend" Geralt replies. "Well we kinda are?" you say mostly to Geralt but Jaskier takes this as a moment of pride. Ready to get out of the tub finally clean with no matts in your hair anymore and your (s/c) clean of all grime, you look around for your clothes; noticing that there are none you start freaking out a little. "Hey, Jask...Where are my clothes?" "Oh, I sent them off to wash. They were covered in those guts and were absolutely filthy. Anyways tonight you two aren't going as witchers." He disappears for a moment and brings back a blood-red dress. Your eyes widen as you have never worn a dress in your life. You were dropped off at the school of the wolf at such a young age, and as a trainee you never found yourself wearing a dress it would get in the way. As well as training with all the boys you never had seen anybody in a dress until you got out of the academy and onto the streets. "There is no way in heaven or hell that I am going to wear that thing". You say, other than that small phrase you become speechless. Geralt takes that silent moment to laugh at you and your current discomfort. "Ah, she is not the only one that will have to be playing a part. Like is said tonight you are not witchers." Jaskier pulls out a sad looking uniform from behind his back and presents it to Geralt. You looked at his face as he paled. "Ha take that good sir." You say as you laugh at him. You are passed a towel as you wrap yourself in it and take the dress. As you arrive in the bedroom to get changed you see that it came with elegant pearls and a small kit of makeup. You finished drying off and placed your towel down. Grabbing the dress you slipped it on and noticed that there was a pesky zipper in the back not allowing you to keep it up all the way. You peak your head out of the door and notice that Jaskier is the only one out there, so you decide to call him over to help you. "Hey, um Jask..can you help me with this zipper? I can't get it up by myself. He agrees and slips in the room with you. Silently you pulled your hair to the side and allowed him to zip the dress up all the way to the middle of your back. The dress was off the shoulder and was partly backless showing off your collar bones and the dip of your back. "While you're here would you like to help me with my necklace?". "It would be my honor." He says this with a slight smile and you look into his eyes. They seem to be filled with genuine love and acceptance. You have that look in your eyes as well. Looking away quickly your cheeks flush a light pink tone as he puts the necklace on your neck. You shiver a bit as his fingers graze over the skin meeting your neck and back. He grabs the hair that you pulled to the side and places it back brushing through it slightly as it falls back into place. You grab his hand and turn to face him. Seeing it as a chance to shoot your shot while time permits you gently grab his face and place a tender kiss onto his lips. He doesn't pull away; instead, he grabs your face and hips and pulls you closer into the kiss. You both pull away for air. "I saw you had that look of jealousy when Geralt was washing my hair. So I decided to put two and two together." You said. "Well, you caught me I guess." "Okay, loverboy leave so I can finish my hair and makeup for your banquet tonight." You press a sweet kiss to the side of his cheek and playfully push him out the door. Sitting down at the table allotted to you you decide to do some light makeup enough to make you look presentable but not too much to make you look like you were trying too hard. For your hair, you decide to leave it down and curl a few pieces to make it look neater. You give yourself a final look in the mirror admiring the beautiful gown that you had on. The dress hugged all your curves in the right spots and highlighted your best features. You looked stunning if you did say so yourself. Finally deciding that it was time to get ready to go you grab the door handle and twist it leaving the room. Outside the door you see Geralt and Jaskier looking at you. "Well, boys how do I look?" You say as a joke. Geralt doesn't comment but gives you a little nod. Jaskier on the other hand looks amazed at your pure beauty. Walking out the door you and Geralt hop on your horses and head to the party. Halfway through the journey, you let Jaskier ride with you, for he was looking tired and exhausted. You all finally arrived at the doors of the expensive-looking palace and you were let in. Taking Jaskier's arm you played the role of his date. But after what happened in your room it didn't really play anymore it was real. Geralt of course was a 'sad silk trader' according to one of your oldest friends, Mousesack said. This caused a ruckus in the ballroom. From being lowkey to everyone knowing who you were ruined Jaskiers whole plan. Mousesack came up to the lot of you and started talking to you. "Well if it isn't Geralt and (y/n), how have you two been" You go to comment but Mousesack continues " (y/n) you look like the most stunning one here." He grabs your hand and kisses it. You could just tell by Jaskiers vibes that he was beaming with jealousy. "And Geralt, why do you look like a sad silk trader." You giggled a bit at this comment. Soon Mousesack and Geralt moved to a different location in the ballroom to continue their conversation, but you and Jaskier walked around talking to others and grabbing a glass of wine to sip on and pass the time. While talking to Jaskier you notice a short grey-haired royal come up to the two of you. He is full of rage and starts cornering the two of you. " Something about you reminds me of a scoundrel I once saw fleeing my wife's chambers." Both of your backs hit the wall behind you. "Um, Well.." Jaskier starts but isn't able to finish because the short and angry lord keeps going completely consumed by rage to even think straight. "Drop your trousers." You and Jaskier look at each other wide-eyed. "What," you ask, completely appalled by the fact that he would ask him to do that in the middle of the ballroom floor. "I didn't get a good look at the little shit's face but I'd remember that pimply arse anywhere." "well um- i". You saw his speechlessness as a chance to step in. "Well how could he be with your wife when we were sleeping together all through the night, there couldn't possibly be two of them now could there." You say with sympathy and defense in your voice. The Lord grabs you by the arm and pulls you close. You gasp as the grip on your arm is rough and hard. "Now why should I listen to a little whore like you." "I.." your eyes go wide, nobody has ever called you that before, sure you have been called monster and evil before but never something as crude as whore. You become speechless. But your savior Geralt comes along, hopefully, he will listen to him. "Forgive me, my lord, this happens all the time, it's true he has the face of a coward but, truth be known he was kicked in the balls by an ox as a child." "well, that's..completely true." Jaskier says. The lord finally lets your arm go and says "Apologies, here drown your sorrows on me eunuch" He smiles shortly and walks away. You rub your arm from where he grabbed and then looked towards Geralt, "thank you". "Yah no problem, Jaskier try not to get any daggers in your back by midnight" he gives Jaskier a small smirk and walks away. At that moment the fanfare plays and the Queen of Cintra walks. 

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