Seitarou X Reader Out of my League Pt. 1

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Earlier this morning, you had just gotten off the Nanba ship which carried the new prison guard recruits. You've had prior experience in some of the other prisons you've worked at before and recently you got recruited to Nanba prison. You were very aware that you were the only female guard, but you didn't let it bother you. Even though the warden was a woman and there were some female staff. It was rare have female guards at Nanba prison, especially in the male prison, but they made and exception with you since you were pretty good at what you did. Which was handling criminals and troublemakers. After the warden gave her welcome speech to the new guards, you entered the massive structure to your designated cell block.

Meanwhile, back at cell block 13 Seitarou was in the middle of finishing up his rounds. He along with Yamato were informed earlier by their supervisor Hajime that they would have a new prison guard joining their ranks before he left to escort the recruit to the building. It was nice to receive some extra help with the inmates especially when they've escaped multiple times a day. There were rumors that the recruit was female, but it seemed unlikely since this was a prison for men who've most likely haven't seen a female in months or even years. The supervisor came back with you walking alongside him.

"This is ______ ______, she will be working with us from now on," Hajime introduced.

Seitarou stood in surprise, "______-senpai?"

You blinked a couple of times, "Seitarou?"

The blue haired guard hadn't seen you in years, he stood there as his mind drifted off to his first day in high school.

It was Seitarou's first day in high school and he was in a hurry to get to his class. He took a sharp turn around the corner then felt instant impact as he rammed into someone and fell to the floor along with the person he bumped into. His book bag opened causing some of his books and papers to spill onto the floor.

"Ahh! I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going and I-" He stopped talking when he got a look at who he bumped into.

It was a girl, she was around his age in a high school sailor uniform with (length/color) hair and (color) eyes. He watched as she got up and dusted herself off before giving him a smile.

"No, it's alright," you said in a reassuring voice. "I wasn't expecting someone to rush into me like that."

You kneeled to help him pick up his books and papers and handed them back to him.

Seitarou stood up and carefully placed his stuff back in his book bag, "Oh uh thank you very much. I'm Seitarou Tanabata, first year."

"I'm ______ _______, third year."

'She's a third year?!' Seitarou thought as he tensed up. "Again, I'm sorry for bumping into you."

"Don't worry about it. Just try to be a little more careful next time," you gave him a small wave, "See ya."

"See ya," Seitarou replied as he watched you walk down the hall.

'Wow, she's so...' The school bell interrupted his thoughts and he dashed off to his first class.

Sometime after that encounter, you and Seitarou would pass by each other down the hall and say hi. During lunch period you would invite him over, sit at your table, and make small talk. He was a bit bashful around some of your friends, but they didn't him joining in. One day, Seitarou was cornered in the hallway by a couple of punks who've been giving him a hard time since he got here. He got cornered and shoved to the ground hard.

"P-please leave me alone," Seitarou whimpered as he sat himself up against the wall.

"Tsk," one of them scoffed. "What are you gonna do about it pretty boy, cry about it?"

"Aww look pretty boy's gonna cry!" The other one laughed.

"Cry, pretty boy, cry!" They chanted and laughed.

Seitarou felt burning tears in the corners of his eyes as they streamed down his cheeks. He knew he couldn't fight back even if he wanted to. When tried to get back up onto his feet, he was pushed back down again, and the two delinquents laughed even more.

"Hey!" A voice shouted out.

They stopped their jeering and looked toward the end of the hall, you stood there with both arms crossed and a scowl on your face.

"S-senpai...?" Seitarou choked out.

He watched as you marched over and stopped within a few feet away from his tormentors. They turned their attention from the whimpering teen and stared at you.

"What's going on here?" You asked with a glare.

One of them shrugged, "Nothin we're just messing around."

"Yeah," the other agreed.

You raised a brow, "Is that so? Tell me, what gives you the right to pick on him?"

"Why not? He's such a crybaby it's pathetic," the first one sneered.

"Look at him, he's crying like a little wuss," the other one added.

You looked over toward Seitarou, his face stained with tears as he still sat on the ground. Seitarou adverted his gaze to the ground embarrassed and ashamed that you had to see him in this state. Your gaze shifted from the teen back to his tormentors, "How about leaving him alone?"

The first one glared, "What?"

You crossed your arms, "You heard me. Leave him alone punks."

"Why are you sticking up for this loser anyways?"

"You're the real losers here, bullying someone doesn't make you any better than anybody else," you took a step forward.

One of them grabbed you by the collar of your uniform and shoved you against the wall. "Just what are you goin' to do about it?"

"Hey! What's going on here?!" A loud, gruff voice shouted.

Everyone froze for a second before they saw the gym teacher come running down the hallway toward them. The two delinquents backed off, you and Seitarou and ran in the opposite direction.

"Hey, get back here you punks!" He shouted as he gave chase after them.

You looked over to Seitarou who was still sitting on the floor, "Hey you ok?" He wiped his face with his sleeve and nodded.

After the gym teacher apprehended the two delinquents and they were immediately sent to the councilor's office. Meanwhile you and Seitarou went to the infirmary, neither of you were injured thankfully but you figured Seitarou needed a place to sit and calm down. The school nurse was very understanding and told you that you two can stay as long as you needed.

"You feeling better now?"

Seitarou nodded, "Yeah thanks for earlier, but I was wondering, why did you stick up for me back there?"

You paused for a moment before you answered, "Well, I used to be picked on when I was younger because I was a crybaby myself."

This surprised Seitarou, he wasn't expecting you to say you were bullied, "What? But you're so nice and helpful. How did you handle it?"

You thought about it for a moment, "I guess you can say that I was pretty sensitive back then but I'm in better control over my emotions than I was back then."

"Hey Tanabata, just hang in there you'll be fine, trust me," you patted his back.

"Right and thank you ______-senpai."

You stood up and stretched, "Well, I'm going to head home. What about you?"

"I'm going to stay here a little longer."

"Ok, I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"


At first, neither of you said a word. You were just as surprised as he was, seeing each other for the first time since you left for college while he was still in high school. Sure, you've kept contact occasionally through phone or e-mail but you two eventually lost touch over the years. After what felt like hours, Seitarou was the first to speak, "______, hi."

"Hi, it's really been a while," you replied.

"You two know each other?" Hajime asked.

"Yeah, we used to go to the same High School together," Seitarou replied a little bashfully.

"He was my kouhai while I was his senpai," you smiled while the blue haired guard blushed.

"You two can catch up later but first, we're going to give you a brief tour of cell block 13. It'll take a while, but you'll be able to figure your way around here. Then we'll introduce you to the inmates," he gritted his teeth at the last word.

You could tell the prison was huge by the outside alone, but the inside was like a labyrinth. Something told you that getting used to the layout of the place was going to take a while. The three of you spent about an hour touring the building, as well as learning about what traps occurred in each cell block. Then it came time to meet some of the inmates you were going to watch over. Hajime wanted to introduce you to the troublemakers you were going to have to deal with almost on a daily basis. Mostly Hajime considered them as the troublemakers.

The three of you stopped in front on a cell labeled 13, Hajime looked inside to make sure they were in their cells.

"Cell 13, get over here."

"What is it now Hajime?" A young teenage boy with black hair with red tips, and different colored eyes asked. The inmates got up and walked over to the door and peaked through the bars.

"Alright listen up, we have a new guard working with us from now on. Don't give her a hard time," he said in a stern voice.

"Hi I'm _______," you said with a friendly smile. Hajime took it upon himself to introduce each of the inmates. The four teenagers stared at you completely awestruck, the last thing they were expecting was that the new guard was going to be a girl.

Jyugo was the first to speak, "Hey Hajime, you didn't tell us the new guard was a girl."

Uno was clearly smitten by you, "You also didn't tell us she was so pretty."

"Do you like anime?" Nico asked with big eyes.

"What's your favorite food? Whatever it is Shirou can make it," Rock added with a huge smile.

"Thanks and yes I do like anime," you replied.

"Yay!" Nico cheered.

"Alright moving on," Hajime said rather bluntly as he started walking down the hall.

"Feel free to stop by Sweetheart!" Uno called out as you walked away.

You've worked at multiple prisons over the years and having inmates flirt with you or try to be extra sweet to you wasn't exactly new. It was a little awkward at first when you got catcalls, but you got used to it to the point where it didn't even bother you anymore. After a long day of touring the building and learning the basic stuff that occurs daily it was time for you to clock out for the day and head home. You clocked out about the same time as Seitarou did.

"Kind of feels like old times, right?"

"Yeah, but I liked High School better when you were around," Seitarou admitted.

"But you know, since you've been here longer then I have I guess that makes you my senpai."

Seitarou flustered, "I uh."

"I'm kidding, just call me ______ from now on ok?"

"Ok, _______."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2020 ⏰

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