Other Ocs #2

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Name: Rena Kitsune
Japanese(Yuka Imai)
English(Mari Devon)
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Height: 5'8 1/2 or 174cm
Nationality: Japanese


Personality: Intelligent, Stoic, Mature, Superiority

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Personality: Intelligent, Stoic, Mature, Superiority

Likes: Deep conversations, reading, her family, training, strength

Dislikes: Her families' traditions, bullies, weakness

Hobbies: Reading, being by herself, training

Fears: Being trapped, ghosts, not meeting exceptations

Habits: Not talking, glaring, ninja vanishing

Quirk info

   Quirk Name: Spirit Fox

    Type: Emitter-Mutant

    Description: Allows the user to channel the power of their stronger than spirit to achieve feats while giving fox like qualities.

Her Physicality is among the highest in her class

Amazing speed and power

Powers of a Kitsune( spirit fire, illusions, etc)

Improved senses


Glass cannon

Her spirit abilities drains her stamina a lot

Rena prefers and upclose- mid range combat with her mixture of taichi, wing chun, and taekwondo with a bit Brazilian jiu-jitsu for good measure.

Power: 5/5
Speed: 6/5
Technique: 4/5
Intelligence: 4/5
Cooperativeness: 1/5


Rena was born Kyoto, Japan into a family of shrine keepers and is the oldest of two siblings. Their history spanned generations before Quirks manifested. Due to this, the Kitsune family had very strict traditions one of them being that the firstborn must be the next shrine keeper. Rena was surprisely rebellious as she was a inspired to become a hero by  a heroine that had passed away( guess who it is). Her parents obviously disapproved of this not only because traditions weren't meant to be broken but being hero is very dangerous profession. Rena was deadset on becoming a hero so her parents made a deal if she can into U.A and excell without getting hurt for freshman year they support her unconditionally but if she couldn't, she would become the shrine keeper when she comes of age. The battle for her future was on.



Mother: Rukua Kitsune ( Shrine Maiden/ Teacher)

Rukua is definitely more the relaxed as she was the one that came up with the compromise. She always to try to both sides of story which helps as she can't stop getting classes of troublemakers.

Father: Yoshiyuki Kitsune( Shrine Keeper)

Yoshiyuki is a traditional strict, Japanese father. To him, traditions must be upheld no matter the circumstances. He was initially refused the compromise but thanks to some convincing from Rukua, he reluctantly agreed.

Younger brother: Sora Kitsune

Sora is bit too young to understand the conflict that is family going for but he has told his father that could look after the shrine when he gets older.



Here's a Rena bio. Yeah, we have a Lucario and a Renamon OCs sue me. And yes, she's in the harem.


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