Chapter 6

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Thats the pic of don

I Woke up with the sound of a baby crying.
Seriously?? At this time..... In a plane??!!
I looked around if anyone else was awake and don was just staring at me.
I was a bit uncomfortable , so i decided to shift a little.
"Oh , um, im sorry...." Don said
"Oh no its okay, i kind get people staring at me because i wear a scarf" i said smiling
" yeah haha, I'm just lost in thought" he said rubbing behind his neck
"About what?" I asked
"...... " he hesitated for a bit but then he spoke
"Well.... Im a muslim.... Im kind of going to america to study about muslims and become a islamic studies/quran teacher. My dad died a few years back because of his religion. People came and started hitting him while he went to his worship place called the mosque. He was hit real bad and he passed away.... So i thought about researching about islam. And i found it interesting so i started believing in it and now i have converted and inshallah I'm becoming a teacher." He started explaining
OMG I NEVER SAW THAT COMING!! Wow a muslim?!?!? Thats amazing!!!
"So weren't you a muslim before your father passed away?" I said sadly
"Well no.... You see , my mother is from turkey/England and she wasn't muslim so my dad never asked us to be a muslim and he just let us celebrate christmas and all. But then i converted." He said smiling
"Oh... Im sorry about your dad. But I'm INCREDIBLY happy that your a muslim and inshallah you will succeed in your studies. I hope you find islam peaceful. " i said sadly but smiling
"Thank you .... So why are you going to america?"
"Im studying to become a doctor" i replied
"Thats cool , which college?"
"The California one" i replied
"Oh I'm going there too ! Haha ill see you there." He said cheerfully
"Yeah maybe haha"
"Im happy i met you" he said smiling
I thought for a minute and was thinking about what he said. Should i really be talking to him? Maybe ill be just friends, and help him out because he is new to islam. Besides ill be getting reward (smirking)
"Me too" i replied

We were at California and i was meant to leave with mrs jones (my friends aunt) and she was no where around.
When i turned at a corner i saw her hugging a guy.
OMG!! It was donovon!!
Wth is he doing!!! His muslim???
I went and stopped a few metres away from them.
"Ahem" i fake coughed
"Oh there you are!! Sydney i was looking for you!" Mrs jones said
"Haha i was looking for you! How come his here? Not to be mean just wondering....." I said not wanting to be rude.
"Well his my nephew and you both are staying with me" she said cheerfully
"WHAT?! " don and i shouted at the same time
"What....? You both needed a place to stay and so i let you guys stay." She simply replied
"Okay... You never mentioned he was going to say" i said politely
"Opps i forgot ... Sorry" she said blushing
"This is a lot to take in" don said
"Yeah" i chuckled
"Well do you guys know each other? " aunt said
"Yeah we became friends on the ride to California" don said
"Well okay then lets get going , shall we?" Mrs jones said
"Yeah sure" i said
"Yup " don replied

Mrs jones was real cute and she wasn't muslim so she was wearing a tight hot pink v-neck, black jeans, jimmy choos, a white neck scarf, a diamond necklace and some silver earrings. She had a louie Vuitton bag and she had ombre hair -dark brown to caramel coloured- . She was truly beautiful and amazing. She had chocolate brown eyes.... Like donovons. 
We arrived at her apartment. It was quite cute. It had 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms ( one for mrs jones and the other for guests..... Great i have to share a bathroom) and 2 living rooms. It had only one kitchen obviously.
She had a lot of play boy things . She also had a lot of Versace, louie Vuitton, channel and guess things.
My room was right in front of dons. That just makes things harder.
My room was all , white and black. The bed was a twin bed with a leather back at the start of the bed. It was a paris themed bed cover and had cute , white and black pillows and cushions.
My closet was a walk-in closet and it was AMAZING
She mentioned that she will buy me some modest clothes but this was alot!
They were colour coordinated..... Wow was all i could say.
"Hows your new room? " aunt asked
" Thanks a lot for the clothes and its truly amazing!! Thanks a lot!! " i said hugging her so tight.
She changed into a pair of high-waisted  white shorts and camo v-neck.
"No worries babe!" She said while hugging back
"See you later for dinner , just settle in okay? And don't worry i filled my second fridge with halal food for you and donno." She said smiling
"Wow thanks alot!...... For everything" i said hugging her again.
Wow two fridges?
"No worries babe" she replied and left
*at dinner*

"Hey" i said to don and aunt
"Hi" replied both of them
"Whats for dinner?" I asked
"Well .... Mashed potato , chicken and gravy" aunt replied
"Yummy!" I said while eating
Aunt started laughing. Don smiled a few times and i smiled back. We were heading off to bed after we cleaned up.
Aunt went ahead and said good bye. I was about to say good bye to don and head off to my room to pray isha and sleep , when I heard don say something that would actually be rude since his Muslim.
"Good night , beautiful..." He whispered.
There was a moment of silence because i was still and shock and then he spoke.
"Im sorry..... I don't know what got into me, its just, your feels like I've known you forever. Im so sorry" He said smiling
"Haha sure..." I said blushing, i don't know why but i liked it when he called me that and i think its okay to just be buddies with nicknames :) , right?
I went and prayed isha and then went off to bed.
Salam lovelies!!!!
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Salam babylicious !!!!!! 

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