chapter 1

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Hi my name is Sydney and I am Muslim. I am 18 years old and I live in Britain. My father is originally from Ireland but his background is afghan. And my mother is British ( a convert)And me, I am fully British since I was born here.

I have one sister and two brothers. I have an older brother who is currently 21 and his name is Zakary. I have another brother who is 13 and his name is Adam. And lastly I have a sister who is 16 and her name is Valerie.

I am so excited!! Because I am leaving to America to study. I'm planning to become a doctor .I'm going to my fav uni.

I'm leaving in two days and right now I'm leaving to the mall with my best friend Yazmin. I need to buy new modest clothes for my trip there. I'm staying with one of my friend's aunties. She lives alone with her puppy. Ofcourse I don't mind, as long as it doesn't come into my room!

I wake up, had a hot long shower, including my new body wash pack , which smells amazing by the way. After I finished my routine of, Body wash, scrub and lotion, I apply some face wash on and brushed my teeth. I wore some acid rain high- waisted jeans , with a white flowy base ball top and a flannel tied around by waist. Right before I wear my scarf, I do my makeup. I know, I know , Islam doesn't allow much makeup but omg I loveeee makeup. Like its my life! I began with my primer , following my Estée Lauder foundation, some touches of concealer and then onto the contouring & highlighting. I'm using my Anastasia bevery hills contour kit, and begin. Once I finish that off I apply some eye pencil, eyeliner, a smokey eye look and some mascara. Once my eyes were done, I put some nude lipstick on and added the Mac soft and gentle highlighter for a nice glow. And to end it I just added some skindavia finishing spray to set my makeup. I quickly wrap my white pashmina scarf around my head.

I went downstairs and saw my mother sitting in the dining table. 'Salam mom!' 'Wa- salam, how's my darling doing', she replied in a good mood. 'Good Alhamdulillah, mom I just wanted to ask if I could go shopping with yaz today... just for my trip. PLEASE?!' I bragged my mom hoping she would let. 'What's all the racquet here' my brother came annoyed, still half asleep. I can't help but laugh at how upside down he looks in the morning.

'What?' he said confused.

'Nothing, you just look funny... HAHAHAHA!' I said trying to control my laugh

'Whatever. Mum I'm going over to Yusuf's house'

'Okay, just drive safe darling' my mum said

You know it's so unfair how he just says where he wants to go and I have to ask! When I finished off my breakfast, I get a text from yaz saying she's in the driveway. I quickly grab my phone, and shoes and quickly hurry outside. I get into the passenger seat and we head to the mall.

After a long time of shopping, we headed home. When I came home I showed my mom what I got which was mostly long tops, jeans, skirts, jackets , shoes and more shoes! But hey I'm going to America so I thought I do some shopping there.

I was walking to my room when Zak called me and said he had something to talk about. When I entered, he was on his laptop lying on his bed. I flop next to him and nod for him to continue. My heart was pounding and I didn't know what he was going to say since he casually does this when something is wrong. 'when you go to America..' he starts his sentence and my palms are starting to get sweaty.

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