3: stranger

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the boy from the day my dad left is standing right in front of looking into my soul with eyes filled with pain and anger, he was just a little boy when I first met him but he is probably grown up. I am standing there still not a single action as I feel chills run down my spine I flinch in shock when there is a voice behind the boy a shadow behind him. the shadow is a woman who slowly puts her arms on the boy's shoulder as the boy looks down, she looks down at him than to me I can't see anything but her shadow with a small whisper she finally speaks in a low but soft tone "find the other half of you, it will lead you to your partner who will be the reason for you to find your dad". the boy looks up at the women and then to me giving me goosebumps all over my body. as a small breeze hit me the boy speaks "wait for me," and out of nowhere it feels like my lips are moving on there own, my mouth opens and I say "always..."

y/n- dad... I will find you... wait for me, always...

jin- ( shakes y/n) y/n wake up! are you ok, we have landed get up?

y/n-dad...( wakes up) oh Hyung ( hugs jin)

jin- are you okay your sweating.

y/n-( stands up and see suga holding her backpack) nothing I just had a bad dream its nothing we should get going everyone on the plane is leaving. I put my hand out to suga asking for my bag, he slowly hands me the bag and smiles.

suga- welcome to the city y/n, ok let's go.

we all go inside the airport, this airport is a lot bigger and way fancier then the one home there are so many stores here inside the airport, it smells like lavender, and it's very loud filled with so many people running around talking go through checks, etc.

jin- you gays head on out my friend is out there waiting for us, I will grab your leagues y/n.

suga- let's go y/n I will show you the way. (suga starts to walk and y/n follows him) ok so y/n you are about to meet one of mine and jins friends his name is rm, he is a very nice guy he is like the smartest one out of everyone in the jins friend group.

y/n- okay but how do you know this?

suga- I met them last year when I came to see meet aunt when she was sick, I stayed at jins place and we hung out a few times when I was back and forth with the new job, oh and also we all work at the same place so yeah.

y/n- oh that makes sense by the way what is your new jo-

suga- hi rm here!!

suga interrupts me as he waves his hand looking in the direction of two guys standing outside the airport in front of a white BMW X3 holding flowers, one is taller than the other, the taller one is wearing brown ankle boots black pants and a white overshirt tucked in. the other one is wearing light blue ripped jeans with a baby pink shirt. I nudge suga and whisper the job must pay well huh,* I smirk*. as we walk up to them the taller one smiles revealing the most loveable dimples, he hands me the flowers.

rm-you must be y/n jin talks so much about you. I am rm by the way and this is j-hope ( put his hands-on j-hopes shoulder)

I look at both of them as I see j-hopes dazzling smile that makes me smile too, he has such a happy vibe like no one could cry if you see his smile. he is like the sun.

j-hope- nice to meet you y/n I heard you're very expert at taking pictures!

y/n- (giggles*) I wouldn't say expert but just self-taught.

jin- a little help wouldn't hurt guys... ( pushing the cart full suitcases towards the car)

rm- oh ya you guys sit inside I will help jin with the stuff ( opens the door for us)

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