"H-Hey again Christine."

"I said stop stuttering. And stand up straight."

"Jeremy!" He cannot believe she remembered his name. "How was your first rehearsal?"


"Uneventful. Easier than I thought it would be."

"Well I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." She turns to Jake. "Have you two met yet?"

Jake has a cocky grin on his face as he extends his hand. "I don't think we've had the pleasure. I'm Jake."

"Jeremy." He returns the greeting.

"Better, but more confidence next time."

"How'd you feel watching me and the Queen here totally rock our lines?" He puts an affectionate arm around Christine who giggles. "Theater is amazing isn't it? I'm expressing myself and I got to meet this little lady."

Jeremy nods. "You two are great together."

"Don't gush."

"To bad behind the scenes is where all the action is."


"Care to elaborate?"

"Without us you guys are stranded with no lights and no props." Jeremy shrugs and instantly regrets his little outburst as Jake stands and is a good few inches taller than him.

"Don't be intimidated."

The words do nothing to comfort him as Jake claps him on the back almost knocking him over. "Thanks for sharing Jeremy. I look forward to seeing you at next practice."

"Y-you to." He mumbles.

"Bye Jeremy." Christine offers him a wave before she takes Jake's arm and they leave.

"And there she goes."

"What was I supposed to do!?"

"Hey Jere you good?" Michael is beside him now with a worried look on his face.

Jeremy smiles. "Fine. Just tired. Can we head home?"

Jeremy's head is silent in the car and Michael is too busy trying to distract Jeremy with his new mixtape to talk either and Jeremy is glad. He doesn't want to discuss his total failure at managing a conversation with Christine. Even in front of his best friend.

Michael drops him off with a "See you tomorrow Jeremy." And he enters his house.

"How's it going sport?" His dad is sitting on the couch in his bathrobe with his feet propped up.

"Pretty good dad. Practice was okay."

His dad nods. "I'm glad you've finally gotten interested in something besides video games."

Jeremy is only halfway listening at this point and he nods as he climbs the stairs to his room.

The SQUIP's projection is seated on the bed when he enters.

"What's wrong now?" Jeremy asks setting his bag by the door and throwing himself into his desk chair.

"Why does something have to be wrong?"

"You have that disappointed dad look like you're going to start lecturing me."

The SQUIP's expression tightens. "I didn't realize how wholly inexperience you are."

"Do you think I would've gotten you if I knew what I was doing?"

The SQUIP is on its feet now and it paces. "You can't even say her name without stuttering. Much less hold a conversation."

Jeremy is on his feet too. "Well then tell me what to do oh all knowing great and powerful super computer."

His sarcasm earns him a shock and he sits down glaring at the image of Keanu Reeves.

"Flirting is a very simple thing to do Jeremy because there are many different ways to do it."

The SQUIP steps closer to him, slinking its arm up his shoulder. It lets its fingers tip toe across his shoulder to his chin.

"You can just grab the bull by the horns and proceed right with seductive." Its voice is a purr in his ear.

Suddenly it pulls away from him with a smirk. "Of course, humor goes a long way as well."

It playfully tweaks his nose. "And of course, good old-fashioned charms and compliments never hurt anybody."

Jeremy swats at him. "Get out of my face. You're being ridiculous there is no way I could do any of that."

"Before." The SQUIP interrupts him. "You couldn't do it before me."

Jeremy crosses his arms. "Go on."

"Jeremy I am not going to sugar coat it. You're a nerd, awkward, ugly, a nobody."

"Thank you." Jeremy muttered sarcastically.

"But if you listen. If you obey and do everything that I tell you to do I can 100% guarantee that your life will change for the better."

"I mean you cost me 600 bucks you better be good."

The SQUIP smiles. "Trust me Jeremy, by the time I'm done with you you'll be chill, popular, good looking, and you'll have Christine eating out of the palm of your hand."


I Was Your Cure (You Were My Disease) Squip x JeremyWhere stories live. Discover now