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One lesson in coolness, t- shirt mix-up, and hot girl serenade later and Jeremy was at home. He hadn't taken the computers advice to let Brooke give him a ride home and it was angry. Its light blue form was leaning against his bed watching him with an air of total scorn. A look his dad often wore when he was discussing his mother.

"Jeremy." The machine finally spoke which caused the teen to flinch waiting for the onslaught.

"I gave you specific instructions. Some you did obey and I will give you points for that." His face went hard again. "But the important ones, the ones that are vital for your success. You did not!"

"But i- "

"And I don't CARE about your code of ethics or what you see as morally right you booted me up to improve your life but I am unable to do that unless you follow my advice and do as your told."

Jeremy was silent.

"See you can't just listen you HAVE to obey otherwise what's the point?"

Jeremy nodded. "I understand."

"I hope so." The SQUIP seemingly done with the lecture it seated itself at his desk. "Because it's important for this to work. I know this whole thing is new to you but if you do as I say you can become anything you want. Do anything you want. Have anything you want."

"Do you promise?" Jeremy asked. The SQUIP rolled his eyes. He sounded like a second grader. "Yes, Jeremy I promise."

The teen nodded and began getting ready for bed. The SQUIP idly surveyed the room as he did so. "Now as this progress, I'm going to need to download any new data that I come across. I'll need access to a computer or other electronic device to give me the information that I need."

"Oh, sure no problem you can use my laptop." Jeremy finished pulling a pajama shirt over his head and approached the desk booting up the machine. He noticed that it was still on the site from this morning and the SQUIP got a glimpse of a naked man and woman tangled together on a bed. The woman's mouth opened wide.

Jeremy blushed and cleared his throat. "So, do you need like a certain website or- "

"A search engine should do the trick. I can directly manipulate it from there."

When the SQUIP was presented with Google and Jeremy finished brushing his teeth he settled into bed watching the SQUIP hack into his computer. From the bed he couldn't see what he was looking at but he trusted the machine for some odd reason. 20 minutes later he was asleep.

What Jeremy didn't know is that the SQUIP was going through his search history. And not the one that Jeremy presented to his father which was full of school websites and harmless games but his incognito which no one was able to track.

Except a very intelligent very advanced super computer.

Hacking into the computers hidden data was easy and within seconds he was scrolling through what appeared to be Jeremy's entire porn archive.

There were millions of videos safely hidden away and the SQUIP didn't care to look at any of them. The PornHub image beside them told him all he needed to know.

"This is going to be a problem." He muttered exiting himself out of the main frame and going back to the clean search engine. He Googled the name Christine Canigula and scrolled through until he found an announcement for last year's High School play. A cast picture click later and there she was.

"Alright Christine what have we got?" He muttered to himself clicking the image. Now came the hard part. He sourced himself through to the source of the image discovering Christine's mothers Facebook page and then it was only a quick hop to Christine's Instagram page which Jeremy was not following.

"Bingo." He murmured clicking the request and scrolling through her photos. Most of them were with her dressed in various costumes at various shows. Very few were with friends.

"So, she likes the theater?" He mused. "I can work with that."

I Was Your Cure (You Were My Disease) Squip x JeremyWhere stories live. Discover now