"I've tried. See," she flipped through her exercise book, showing him scribblings of previous calculations. "Most times, I solve them when the teacher is in the class, when I'm out, I go blank. Just like avatar. Poof!"

"Avatar, how?" He asked, eyes dancing with amusement.

She huffed, pantomiming a disappearing sign. "When the world needed him most, he vanished. When my brain should be of utmost importance... Ring a bell?"

He fought back an amused grin. "Yeah. Horrible analogy by the way."

She flipped him the bird before groaning out in frustration.

He gave in to her protest, packing up his Maths textbook.

"I still think you're the problem, not your brain." He insisted, flipping through his Literature textbook.


"You think, you don't know Maths," he began. "The human body has the system operator kind of relationship."

She raised a confused brow. "How?"

"The brain and mind. The brain is like a programmed software, designed to carry out tasks given by the mind."

She gave him a crazy look, nonetheless still interested in whatever he was on about.

"The brain works hand in hand with the mind, not being controlled." She argued, discarding her literature textbook.

"Believe me, the brain is nothing without the mind. You are the problem not your brain. The human brain is programmed to bid to man's will. It doesn't work on it's own, it needs a command from the mind."

She shook her head in disagreement.

"Take being in a dire situation for an instance," he began. "Let's say, a riot that has an 85 percent chance of resulting to a stampede. What will you do?"

She looked at him, totally confused, but answered nonetheless, "Run of course, who wants to get hurt?"

His grin could illuminate a dark room. "Great! You run. Now tell me, what spurred the idea of running?"

"The riot of course. Any sane person would think of doing that." Came her quick retort, accompanied by an eyeroll.

"Perfect!" He exclaimed like a mad scientist. Flaring hands and sparkly eyed. "That is exactly what I want to hear. Your mind issued a red alert, signalling to the brain that there was danger and the only option at the moment was to run. The brain carried out the action. Willing the legs to move."


"Yeah you see, the human brain is like a computer, totally useless without programmings and orders from the mind."

"Do tell, how does that theory involve mathematics and my poor brain?"

"Good question. Your mind is the problem not your brain."

"You've said that already."

"Your mind has been filled with the theory about Maths not being easy or that the poor subject is a no-go area. It chants the damn conclusion like a mantra. Now that brings in the brain. Remember, the big guy is only there to carry out orders."

She nodded, still waiting for him to drive a point home.

He continued. "Your thoughts on Maths is totally poisoned. Now the brain receives a red alert which signals that, Maths has no place with him. Thus, the programming thingy has gotten involved. The brain is now compelled to act on the mind's bidding."

"Which is?"

"Not to let Maths stick in. Remember, you said you are able to solve mathematics inside the class once it's taught, but when the teacher leaves, you're all blank?"

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