they say

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they say absence makes the heart grow fonder.

maybe once i felt that; felt my heart reaching out for you 

like there was a gravitational pull drawing me closer

despite the hundreds of miles and the ocean between us. 

but they also say that distance brings perspective.

and maybe now i feel that; feel myself seeing things more clearly

now that i'm further away (even though i'm short sighted

and you alway tease me for having poor vision).

it's like i've been seeing you through a rose-tinted instagram filter;

blurred around the edges, saturation heightened, exposure boosted.

all of your imperfections erased, edited, invisible.

a version of you that only allows for me to see the best parts.

now i'm away and it feels as though the filter has been lifted.

for the first time in a long time, i can see the whole picture.

and it's causing these doubts to surface inside me,

make me question if i've been making allowances 

and ignoring the parts of you i don't want to see. 

they also say that loves makes you blind.

i think i'm starting to get some of my sight back,

but if that means losing you, my love,

then i'm not sure i want to see. 

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