Killer was, ironically enough, a Killer Whale, and Cross was a Great White Shark. Nightmare guessed that Horror became a Manta Ray, considering how his arms became large fins, he could be wrong though. Fresh was, unsurprisingly, a Royal Gramma, and a very colorful one too, which meant he's past the stage of changing his gender from female to male. And last but not least, Violet, who had a shell surrounding his torso, chest, and back, so he was probably a sea turtle. At least he wouldn't feel so exposed anymore from having to show off all the time because of his AU.

He was extremely glad he read that book on animals during his last break now. Though, he realized that, much like Blue, most of their species' anatomy wasn't the actual size of the real sea creature, but a few times smaller or bigger. That, and the fact nobody was wearing a shirt, or pants, either because of their anatomy, or because they were underwater. Maybe it was a mix of both reasons, either way, the clothes would have restricted their movements. At least no one seemed to be in any pain at the moment.

Deciding that he should learn how to control his transformed limbs so he doesn't make a fool of himself in front of them later, he awkwardly dragged himself to the nearest patch of seaweed that was surrounding the area, which is a lot bigger than he had previously thought.

While he practiced using and honing his motor skills, he was extremely grateful that he had left to do this alone so that no one had to witness him struggling to control his new body, which consisted of slapping his skull and flipping himself upside down, with a lot of difficulty straightening himself up again, both of which happening more times than he'd like to admit. Though, after a while, he realized that he was easily able to control all but two of his tentacles, the ones that his legs had turned into.

However, he didn't take into account the abilities that his octopus half gave him, so when someone snuck up from behind and scared the living daylights (or would it be nightlights-?) out of him while he was practicing, the area was suddenly covered in black ink, making it hard for whoever had scared him to see. This allowed Nightmare to swim deeper into the seaweed, while he tried to comprehend what the heck just happened. That was also when he realized that he can camouflage within his surroundings, since his tentacles were now the color of the sand below him.

Hearing someone coming, he once again got startled and acted on his instincts, which made him quickly burrow into the sand to hide himself. Looking up he saw Dream, who looked as if he was having difficulty swimming, which would make sense seeing as Nightmare was also having some level of difficulty himself.

Not wanting to worry his brother any longer he got up from his spot on the ground, which surprised the heck out of Dream, and then returned to his natural color - black, like his goop - when Dream realized who was in front of him, and tackle-hugged (I feel as though I'll be using this term for a while) him.

"Brother! Why are we all part of some kind of sea creature?! Why are you an octopus?! Where are we?! Why were you in the seaweed instead of with everyone else?! How- mmf!" Nightmare cut him off by wrapping a tentacle around his mouth."Enough with the questions Dream. Firstly, we're in a different multiverse, presumably why we look like this now. I don't know why our anatomy changed into these specific forms. Secondly, I came in the seaweed so I can practice using my tentacles without making a fool of myself. I also read up on sea creatures out of boredom not too long ago, so I can tell you that I now have three hearts, nine brains, and funking blue blood and I am still trying to process that I have to control what color I am and that I spit out ink when scared. Also, can you do me a favour and tell the others not to make fun of me once I come out? I know they're most likely gonna do it anyway, well, everyone except maybe you, Blue, Violet, Geno, and maybe Fresh anyway."

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