His Story

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Sonic characters belongs to SEGA.

Art Cover made by me and my friend.


(Sonic's POV)

You're wondering how it all began? Well, I think it starts with my mother who was beautiful on the outside but a vampire on the inside. She was very headstrong and kind unlike her clan who only follows rules of vampire traditions rather than think for themselves. That night she found out that she had to marry a heartless vampire which caused her to run away into the mortal world. For she's feared that her clan would execute her if she don't obey the rules.

For days she came into an Indian territory known as the Aniwaya or wolf clan where the Indian people represent wolves as their protectors. She met my father that night but he noticed her fangs but that didn't scare him because he always knew that vampires would one day exist. My mother told him that she ran away from her people and he agreed to hid her from the vampire world.

From that day, they became friends and he showed her his world filled with wonders and beyond nature. And eventually as time went on, they fell in love and that's when I was born as a half vampire and half mortal. The only hybrid in this world that vampires thought that mixing vampire and mortal offspring would be a danger to all vampire kind.

They thought that they would be together and that my mother would turn my father into a vampire but it never happened because her people found her. They killed my father's clan and my father died with them but my mother had to keep me safe, even if it meant giving up on me to save my life.

She knew two vampires she could trust to hide me from her people; Shadow and Silver. My two guardians that raised me. And I never saw my mother or father again. But she did left me with a bow made from my father and a dagger she made for herself.

For 300 years, I've been hunting vampires for revenge and justice that I would put an end to what they did to my father. Silver and Shadow said that my mother's people executed her for having an affair with a mortal.

Well, that's what Silver and Shadow told me the story of how my parents met and they made a promise to my mother that they would keep me safe and stay away from the mortal and vampire world. Which meant by living in an abandoned cave filled with bats.

So my story begins.


300 years later, I'm now I'm in my mid 20s I think. I haven't aged for years since I'm half vampire. The mortal world has changed for centuries now and I sneak in to their world to save innocent lives from vampires hunting for blood. I even hunt evil vampires for blood to satisfy my hunger instead of going after mortal blood. People in this city never caught a glimpse of me but they gave me a nickname, The Dark Wind. It suits me since I'm really fast. But there's one fox friend I know that already knows I'm a dhampir and he is okay with that since I saved him from a group of bullies years ago when he was just an innocent kid. Why they call me The Dark Wind? Because I wear a black hood cloak to hide my appearance and that I'm fast as the wind. And I howl like a wolf to show victory whenever I stop evil vampires from draining innocent life.

"Sonic, dinner time. And please eat real food. You're half mortal remember and your body needs to live with regular food" Silver said.

"Okay, mom." I scoffed in annoyance.

"For the last time, don't call me mom" Silver grains in frustration.

"Why not? You sound very motherly and overprotective of me" I laughed darkly.

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