
"Soo-won! What are you doing?" A squeaky voice yelled.

"I'm getting down!" Soo-won responded and climbed down the old tree. Hak and I followed curiously. "I had a lot of fun!"

I stared at the person who was waiting at the bottom of the tree. "So, who are these two?" the young woman asked.

"This is Himari and Hak." Soo-won introduced us and then started blabbering pure nonsense about how we met. "Hak said he was the grandson of General Mun-deok and how it seems he's come to a council of the five tribes. I'm not really sure how Himari got here but she seems to know Hak and..."

"Soo-won. Calm down." The woman sighed and bent down to Hak's level. "If you're lost, then I can take you back to Mun-deok." She looked at me. "Where did you come from?"

"General Geun-tae..." I replied, a little scared of this unusually gorgeous woman. Would something happen if I got too close to her?

"Yeah, Hak isn't lost, he was taking a stroll. And Himari was reading a book in that tree." Soo-won said. "Hey, Mother. Can I play with Hak and Himari for a bit longer?"

"Fine... but since climbing trees is dangerous..." She placed a hand on her chin and stared at Soo-won with a look of concern.

"It's been a long time, Lady Yon-hi." Another beautiful woman stood within seven feet of me. Why were there so many pretty ladies?


"Forgive my tardiness in paying your ladyship my respects. I failed to realize you were in the garden and incurred such unsightly rudeness." Lady Iguni bowed politely.

"No, it's fine!" Lady Yon-hi reassured Lady Iguni.

"For me... as well. It's been a long time..." Another pretty lady said. She was beautiful, and had long black hair. Part of it was covering her eye, but it was no big deal.

"Kashi..." Lady Yon-hi mumbled as she noticed another young girl. She must've just been born a few years ago, because she looked very young still. When I first set my eyes on her, my legs almost gave out. She looked like the Crimson Dragon King from the legends, the king that I wanted to meet, but would never be able to.

"Yona..." the beautiful black-haired woman (who I assume was named Kashi) tapped the child's shoulder.

"Good afternoon..." Yona said. Her hair was bright red. It looked like the sky at dawn.

"Good afternoon, Yona. I'm Yon-hi. I'm your father's older brother's..." She noticed her son running towards Yona. "Soo-won, wait!"

"Yona!" Soo-won exclaimed and hugged the young girl. "You've grown so big, but I recognized your fluffy red hair immediately! I'm your older cousin, Soo-won!"

"Lady Yon-hi. It's alright." Kashi said.

Soo-won pulled Hak and I into view. "Yona, this is Hak and Himari!" Oh.

I hated introductions. They were awkward, and I have never been exposed to this many people before.

"She hates me, doesn't she? Should I leave?" Hak sighed. Yona stared at me, and I stared at her.

"She's just wary of people she doesn't know!" Soo-won says.

"There's a cat in the garden. Want to see it?" Hak asks.

"A cat?" Yona questions, letting go of her mother's arm.

"There was a cat? I wanna see it!" Soo-won exclaims. "What about you, Himari?"

God... Soo-won had to drag me into this conversation. "Yeah... cats are fluffy and cute." I smiled, shocking Soo-won and Hak.

"Wait, where are you going?" Lady Yon-hi asked.

"We won't leave the garden so..." Soo-won trailed off while Hak took Yona's hand. The four of us walked away from the three pretty women, but one followed us and grabbed Hak's shoulder.

"You! Keep Yona safe, okay?" Kashi said. Her hair moved away from her face, and I could see a little bit of a scar underneath her hair.

It was a little pretty, and very unique.


Words: 1178

Some more backstory, cause' we could totally use more of that.

This was taken from chapter 194 or the manga, so I don't expect you to understand everything completely.

Thank you for reading, now you know that Himari was a shy and quiet kid lol

Have a nice day/night!

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