I gotta stay strong.

"I'm good. You guys get some sleep." Raph smiled, finally meeting Mikey's baby blue eyes. Mikey smiled, patted Raph's shoulder and left the room, Donatello following him. Raph looked back over at the sleeping turtle in the tub and sighed.


Mikey rolled out of bed later in the morning than usual. By the time he made it downstairs, breakfast had already been made. April was at the sink, doing the dishes.

"Hey, sleepyhead!" The red head smiled. Mikey nodded his head and grabbed a piece of bacon from the table.

"Where is everyone?" Mikey asked.

"Donnie's out in the barn with Casey and Raph's still in the bathroom with Leo." Mikey looked over at the staircase. April sat down next to him, turning his face towards hers.

"I brought him some food a little while ago. He's okay, Mikey. I asked him if he went to bed he said yes. He got a couple hours but it's still something."

"That's not what I'm worried about." Mikey sighed.

"Then what is?" April asked.

"That he'll never recover. Raph's really sensitive, believe it or not and his emotions scare him so he resorts to anger. He'll never forgive himself for what happened to Leo and Sensei. If we ever get them back." Mikey sighed. April rubbed her hand in circles on Michelangelo's carapace.

"We'll get them back." She smiled.


At least a month had gone by and Leo was showing no signs of recovery. Raph was slowly becoming less and less like himself. He wouldn't get angry, he'd walk away. He wouldn't storm away, he'd just stare at the floor. Since they had arrived at the FarmHouse, Raph could barely look his brothers in their eyes. He felt as if he failed them. He couldn't keep their family whole. He didn't deserve to look at them. He would barely eat, sleep or do anything other than train. April had been the only one to say anything about Raphael's unhealthy eating and sleeping habits, which caused the 'medic' of the family Donatello to jump in.

"Raph, you've lost at least twenty five pounds in the past month, that's not healthy." Donnie sighed. Raphael barely heard a word Donnie said. He continued doing pull ups on a branch.

"Raph? Talk to us." April pleaded. Again, nothing.

"We made dinner, why don't you come in and eat something. Even if it's a little." The red head sighed.

"I'm good." The not so hot hothead growled, climbing onto the branch, sitting on it.

"Can you come down from the tree?" Donnie asked.

"I'm good."

"Raph." Donnie sighed, April rested her hand on his shoulder and looked at him.

"Leave him be." She turned towards the house and walked in.

"Whenever you're ready, Raph." Donnie smiled. The smartest brother then turned towards the house and followed the red head.


Raph climbed down from the tree an hour later. He walked right past his family and into the bathroom. Mikey silently followed his brother. Although, if he was loud, Raphael wouldn't hear. He'd been so distracted lately. Mikey snuck up to the door frame and listened. He thought maybe Raph went up there alone to cry but there were no tears or sniffles. Just a faint and exhausted voice.

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