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Morning came and Jeongguk decided to call his angel, hoping that the latter is awake, and luckily he is awake


Good morning Angel

Ggu?How did you get my number?

I asked your manager for that

So why did you call?

Making sure your awake, and I just missed you

Aww, ggu I missed you too, wait are you in your office already?


God,it's so early, whatever im going now, see you later

Ok, drive safely ok?

Okie, see you later, bye ggu


"Eomma, appa I'm going now" he said making the two shocked since it's the first time he's going to work early

"Wow, I really think you hate to get scolded" yoongi said while sipping his coffee

"yes, I really do hate getting scold, since I'm not used to that"he said smirking earning a smack by his eomma

"if yoongi doesn't scold you, then I will" he said glaring at the latter

"I'm sorry eomma" he said while giving jimin some puppy eyes

"What's with your look today, are you impressing someone?" He said while looking the other from head to toe

" It's the clothes you gaved me last time" he said making the other gasp

"I'm really good at fasion you know" he said proud of himself

"I'm really good at fasion you know" he said proud of himself

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(This is what he is wearing)

" Yeah, yeah, I'm going now, bye eomma, appa" he said then left

"God why is it so hot today" he said while getting out of his car, going inside, only to be greeted by people

"Hi angel" the ravenette hugged him making him hugged back

"ggu, why are you here?" He said looking at the ravenette

" I have no morning meeting, so I decided to wait for you" he said smiling making the latter kiss his cheek

" Aww, my baby ggu wait for me, I think I should treat you later" he said making the eyes of the male sparkle

"I think I should wait you always now, so I should get a lot of treat from you" he said while kissing the forehead of the latter

"Even if you don't wait me,I will still treat my ggu" he said smiling making the poor heart of the male melt

"Why are you so cute,like I wanna keep you in my pocket" he said while pinching the chubby cheeks of the latter

Ceo's model ; Taekook [On Hold]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant