one !

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Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

chapter one — alpha, beta, omega !
2x01 — omega

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scarlett grinned as she walked into the locker room, opening her arms to greet danny and smiling up at the taller man. "did you miss me, danny boy?" he nodded, kissing the top of her head and pushing her towards her brothers. she looked towards the door as a boy burst in, a cute one with curly hair and a black eye.

she sauntered over to him, flipping her hair over her shoulder and standing beside him. "hey, what'd you do to the eye?" he looked down at her, his eyes holding a certain wonder as to why a pretty girl was talking to him. "playing lacrosse." she nodded slowly, letting her eyes purposely trail up and down his body.

"huh, i've never seen you play. and trust me, i'd have noticed if i saw you on the field." she gave him her best flirty smile, taking in the way his cheeks flushed a deep red whenever she said spork to him. "what's your name, shiner?" he looked down to her again, taking in the way most of the boys were glaring at him as she spoke.

"isaac." she smiled, patting his shoulder and waking away from him, leaving him dumbstruck and sort of in love with her. "huh, it's cute. suits you. i'll see you later, isaac." she strutted away from the boy, making sure to sway her hips as she walked, making his eyes trail down to her butt.

"wait, i didn't get your name!" she didn't even bother looking back at him, just simply waved over her shoulder and grinned. "it's scarlett!" she shouted over her shoulder, walking out of the locker room and towards the lacrosse field to find her brothers. the boy just stared as she left, chuckling to himself.


"are we really here right now?" scarlett crouched beside her brother on the ground, hiding behind a statue at the graveyard where the funeral of kate argent would be held. scott was here as moral support for his girlfriend, and scarlett had been dragged along so she didn't get into any trouble.

"yes. now shut up." she scoffed, moving to slap him across the back of the head and laugh at him when he rubbed the sore spot. she jumped as stiles landed behind her, resting his hands on her shoulders to balance himself so that he didn't fall and draw attention to the three of them.

"who the hell is that?" they looked towards an older man, who was looking down at allison and speaking to her. they threw themselves behind the statue when he turned to look at them, stiles' leg landing on scarlett's shoulder and she groaned in pain from the impact. "well he's definitely an argent."

scott waved as allison looked towards them, seeing a small smile on her face as she shifted uncomfortably. "maybe they're just here for the funeral. i mean, what if they're the non-hunting side of the family. there could be non-hunting argents, right?" scarlett shook her head, rolling her eyes and pushing stiles back so he landed on his ass.

"i know what they are. they're reinforcements." she gasped as the boys were suddenly dragged upwards, scott's hand grabbing onto the collar of her shirt and dragging her up too. she swatted his hand away, smoothing our her outfit and kicking him harshly in the shin. "you three. unbelievable."

the three of them were thrown into the back of a cop car with the sheriff in the front, who kept looking back at the three teens to glare at them every so often. his glare always skipped scarlett, somehow the sheriff always had a soft spot for the girl, not having a daughter of his own.

"go home, scarlett." and with that, the girl made her way home from the cop car, running as fast as she could so she could jump straight into her pyjamas. she pushed herself through the door, reading the note her mother had left on the fridge, and bounding upstairs for a hot bath. it was a comfort, being home by herself for a change.

that was, until she got a phone call from stiles. scott was nowhere to be seen apparently, and stiles was with his dad and an ambulance. she got there as quick as she could, standing beside stiles and shivering slightly because of the cold. "lydia?" she looked towards the bushes, seeing a naked red headed girl covered in mud and leaves.

they had been looking for the missing girl for two days, seeing as she has disappeared from the hospital after the whole alpha biting fiasco at the formal. scarlett noticed how worried stiles was about her, and even tho his high school crush never took much notice of him, he cared more than anything in the world.

" anyone going to get me a coat?"

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