Chapter 3:Mental health Week

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I was in the bathroom. After a while, I heard a knock on front door. "Bakubro, you ok? Cause I need to use bathroom and you been inside for while..." Kiri said. "I-I'm f-fine, I'm just feel tired" I said and quickly hide the tears and knife then get out the bathroom.

Kiri POV
As Mr Aizawa said, his acting weird... But, I will find out what happened to him, no matter what...W-wait,did I just?! Nonononono, it cant be. I don't like him, but why I always thinking about him, and care about him? Just because his my bro right, is it?....... Nah, im'ma just go get some ice-cream. So after a bath, I ask bakugo"hey, wanna get some ice-cream? "" n-no thanks... "he said.(later)After I got the ice-cream,then I saw Mina."Hey,Kiri,where's Bakugo?"She's said."Oh,his at the dorm..."I said.'Oh,you his roommate?!Can you help me to watch over him?I'm worry about him..."She said."Yea...I will and,if I don't get back,my ice-cream gonna melt"I said."Oh...,bye."She said."BYE"

The next day

Aizawa POV
"Today I invite one of the hero to class because we doing a mental health week... ""WHAT?! "All the class shout." yes now shut the fuck up"I said. I want to know what happened to bakugo and more..... Then I see Bakugo face making a weird one."Well, the first one is... Bakugo Katsuki" the hero said. "c-can we just s-skip to the other..." Bakugo said. "Bakugo, go to infront now!" I said,but it didn't work. So I told Shinsou to..... (yea, this story shinsou is in 1A class)
Then Shinsou do what as I said...... I hope this doesn't real what I thought, then this will be really bad for us.

Sorry for the short story and bad grammar, cause my englush really bad. So, pls enjoy the storyyyyyy, there will be the next part.

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