Chapter 4

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Your POV

It's been one month since I met Ash.I kinda have a feelings for him.Also I have a conference from different champion that steven told me.It should be mom so I guess nevermind.But mom told me that Elite four from different region will come also.I sigh as I pet cosmog.It was a gift from my father and it is cute.Also I have a flight today so I have my suitcase ready since I will stay at Sinnoh for three days.I smile as I return Greninja and went downstairs to the car.A few minutes later I was now at the airport.I already book a ticket so I have no problem with that.I went inside with Meloetta who is using invisibility so is Z since they don't want attention so I have cosmog with me who is sitting on my lap.I look trough the window admiring at the sunset.Then the plane take of as I take a nap.I woke up as the speaker speak.I was now at Sinnoh as the plane land.I grab the suitcase and went down.I love the fresh air as mom was already there waiting for me.I came up to mom.

You:Hey mom.

M/N:Hey sweetie,I see you bring cosmog but where are the others?

You:Oh I return Greninja but meloetta and z stay invisible so they don't want attention.

M/N:Okay but are you ready for the conference tomorrow?

You:Yep I can't wait to beat other champion including you.

As we walk whispering was heard around it.

You:Mom why are they whisper some things.

M/N:You see people known you as legendary trainer so they felt amaze.

Then two girls came up to me.

Girl 1:Can we take a picture?

I nod as they have a phone and take a selfie with them they said thanks and went to their mom.We went inside as I look at the window to the hotel since there will be a meeting.We were now at the hotel as I grab a suitcase and went to our own room since mom told me she book two rooms.After I take a bath and change my clothes,meloetta and z reappear and nuzzle me.I chuckled as I let Greninja out and went to the conference room.When me and my pokemon there,some elite four from different region and some champion came meaning they still didn't come.I saw my mom and Diantha but she was smirking.

Diantha:Well if it isn't people amaze for.The legendary trainer and Champion of Johto Y/N.Hey bestie.

I chuckle and pout a while and said.

You:Don't call me that Diantha.Oh hey mom.

I said as I hug Diantha and hug my mom too.

Lance:Ooh mother daughter bond how cute.

We glare at him at the same time,since our glare was scary he step back a little.We roll our eyes and look at each other chuckling.I found my name and it is next to one of the Champion of Hoenn....Steven.I sit next to him as I saw my mom and Diantha smirking and high five at each other.

You:Of course you both planned that.

I mumble as I look at him a blushing mess.I ignore it and glare at them which they put their hands in the air as if a mocking surrender.The others laugh at their behavior as it started.

Manager:Hello everyone thank you for coming at Champion and elite four conference.Since every year each champion in other region will always battle to be a pokemon master(deal with it),right?


Manager:Also many people will come at the conference watching the battle of each of it.And this time this will include the champion of Alola.

We look at the door to see the same familiar figure which it shocks me and my mom.

You and M/N:Professor Kukui?!

Steven:You know him?

You:Yeah I met him with Ash and others back at Johto watching Wallace cup.


Manager:How are you?

Kukui:I'm fine I guess.

He said sheepishly,guess its his first time competing it.

Manager:Now tomorrow you all better be prepared at this.

We all nod as we got dismiss.I was walking alone since mom wants to train her pokemon.

Kukui:Hey Y/N

He said waving at me.I look at him and greet.

You:Oh hello Professor Kukui,let me guess you bring Ash and his friends in here again to watch some battle huh?


You:And did you tell to Ash and his friends about me being a legendary trainer.

Kukui:Wait really?

He ask surprise.

You:Yeah people from all over call me legendary trainer since they know I can beat legendary pokemon and catch them.


You:I better get going Steven wants me to hang out.May the best champion wins.

I said as I reach a hand which he put it and shake hands.

Kukui:You too even if your young.

You:Hey I'm already 21 years old you know.Also I already have birthday before and after the Wallace cup since its one month I didn't see Ash again.Anyways bye.

I said waving as I went outside,I saw Steven waiting there.

You:So ready to go?


We hang out for hours until it was nightime.Steven went with me taking to my room(not in you know way)

You:Thanks for coming with me.

Steven:I-its fine.

I nod as Steven peck me on the cheeks as I blush a little.He nods and walk out.I enter the room and went to the bathroom to take a shower.I went downstairs to eat dinner with my pokemon.After we ate I went upstairs again and went to my room,brush my teeth and change into pajamas and went to sleep.

To be continue..


Hey guys you thought this is the end.Well of course not it still have an adventures you know.Also right now I'm making a script in Microsoft Word in my laptop.And you will battle in first round is Kukui,then ????secret.Anyways bye.

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