"I promise to avenge you.."

"I will find the one who poisoned you."

"I will..." She broke down again. She talked to him for an hour.

"...It's already this late, I'll come back again dad, I love you.." She touched his tombstone before she turned her hills and left.


"Welcome back, Lady Eleanor Chrysantia!" The maids and butlers were all lined up at the entrance of her mansion while they greeted her happily.

"Welcome back, my lady." Emma said walking to her and curtsied while smiling, some of her hair turning white.

"Yes...I'm back." She hugged Emma.

"Sweetie.." Her mom said with a smiling Constantine beside her.

"Mom, Brother." She hugged both of them.

"Let's go inside." Her mom said taking Eleanor and Constantine's hands.


Eleanor stared at her vanity mirror, "I'm finally back." It was already midnight.

She couldn't sleep, she brushed her hair and noticed the compass on her bedside table.

She was about to grab it before a knock interrupted her causing her to jump.

"Yes?" She said and the door opened revealing her mother.

"Zira? Is that you sweetie?" Her mother said while crying.

"Mom? What's wrong?" Her mother suddenly enveloped her into a hug.

"My poor baby, I knew you'd come back, shhh." She caressed her hair and shushed her.

"Your not gonna leave me are you?" Her mother suddenly said as her eyes reddened. Her hands that were placed on Eleanor's wrist and hair suddenly tightened making her wrist red and her hair getting pulled at.

"Mom! your hurting me!" She said and her mom noticed.

Her mother let go of her, "I'm sorry baby, Mommy's sorry.." Her mother hugged her again and cried.

"Everything fine...We're fine as long as your here.." Her mother whispered.

"..Mom are you okay?" Eleanor said noticing her mother wasn't drunk.

Her mother furrowed her eyebrows, "What are you saying dear?"

"You think I'm also sick like what they said?!" Her mother suddenly shouted and slapped her.

"PAK!" the sound of the slap echoed through the room, Eleanor slowly touched her face.

"What!! Your gonna leave us again?!!!" Her mother gripped Eleanor's shoulder's shaking her, her mother's fingernails burrowed on her skin making it bleed a little, Eleanor hissed in pain.

"Are you?!" Her mother said with red eyes full of tears as she grabbed her hair.

"No mom...I'm here now...I won't leave.." Eleanor said in pain with tears on her eyes.

Her mother then smiled and let go of her, "That's right..you should stay with mommy always." Her mother enveloped her in a hug as Eleanor cried silently.


"Ow.." Emma put ointment on her face and applied band aids on her cuts.

"Is my mom...sick?" Eleanor slowly said.

Emma froze and nodded, "It started when you disappeared...It wasn't this bad before..she would just cause a ruckus but after your dad died it got worse...she would occasionally go to your bedroom and pretend your there...Then she forgets everything in the morning.."

Eleanor tightened her grip on the sheets. "I'm sorry, my lady.."

Eleanor shook her head and smiled, "No..It's fine...Just make sure no one knows about this."

She said talking about her cuts and Emma slowly nodded. "Thank you Emma.."

Eleanor held back her tears as she stared at the portrait of her family altogether smiling happily.

"If it wasn't for the emperor..." She murmured, her eyes darkening before shaking of the thought. What would happen to Cole if i did something to the emperor? she thought, her heart breaking every time she thinks about it. Should she let Cole go?

Im a villainess that is destined to dieWhere stories live. Discover now