Stomps and wiches

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We should all know what a witch is, women who has magic powers, but whats a stomp? Well let just say its a curse, a curse on humans to make them part tree they my look normal but when they get sleepy they turn more and more like a tree then when they wake up like nothing happened. The confusing part is it's random, no Genetics Involved completely random from birth. Now i got that out of the way why, witches why did I put witches in the Title. Thats for the story I will tell.

Meet joey, he's a stomp unwanted to his parents he got adopted out. Hes parents did leave a mark on his tree, as a mark i mean completely off with the leafs. He is now Living with two witches and a wizard, like two sisters and a dad to him. 
Sapphire, and heather are the best sisters he could ask for. His whole life he stayed in a house with a big forest and cave in there backyard it looked like something from a farytail, he was not aloud in the cave like his sisters and dad. That may have you questioning Who are joeys new family. That's simple, the mafia. Does he know this, now that also simple to explain no. They promised to keep him safe and only safe. but, what will happen if they have to take him into the real world. I guess we will find out.

I wake up short and outside like always, but i know i will grow the more awake i get. Like aways i head inside the house to be greeted by Sapphire a pointy eared blonde long haired girl, like normal she picked me up like a cat you find in the streets. She turned around then walked to the table to sit me in a chair. "There you go joey" she said a calming voice one that could put anyone to sleep. I sat there for a bit waiting for my dad's cooking as Sapphire sat in the chair next to me. "Boo!" i jumped at the noise feeling myself get taller and more human. "I got you Good!! you went flying!" A short haired blonde girl also with pointy ears, yelled in my ear definitely waking me up more that was heather my other sister. "Give him a brake remember today is the day we got him so that means its about, 5 day tell its his birthday and that means he's going be 18 and that means he's going be a adult and that means he's not gonna be a baby anymore, and and" sapphire spoke intel she got stop by dad walking in the room with plates flying around him. It was alway magical seeing him walk in with the plates just sitting down on the table, with his long blonde hair in a bun with a joyful face. "Indeed his birthday is in 5 days and today is the day he got him, so why not celebrate today and on his birthday!" He stoped to look at me and smile "it will be his choice to leave or not, he passed all his home schooling" I look at him as he spoke. Heather looked at me "i don't want him to leave!" She said as sitting down. I look at her with a joyful look, "well lets eat and start celebrating!" Sapphire yelled out of the blue.  I look down at the food in play, it was bacon and pancakes, only the best foods my dad can cook. I thanked my dad for the food and started eating, with we all did. It was calming intel Heather got done of course, "i call little joey first!" She yelled out i gave she a look of "of course you would do this" we all did at this point. "Okay okay, we will take turns today but on his birthday we are celebrating it together" my dad said with a sad look no his face you tell it was in a joking was but I couldn't help but be sad. "so i get the kid first" heather said with joy in her voice with that dad just looked at me i just knew what he was going to say so i beat him to it "sure" i said. You could hear a small yes noise coming from her way as she got up to go to her room. I soon after got done eating i got up started walking to my room. its crazy i have one I have to sleep outside or i my get sick from sleeping inside. I could probably guess already what heather wanted to do, draw and talk she may be hyper but shes not athletic. As you can tell Im not very athletic too, so it was fun. All the time I spent in my room was learning or drawing, I didn't go out much unless to sleep. I set down on my desk and chair, wait for heather or someone to come in. "Knouck! knouck!" "hello, can I come in" I could only guess who that was heather. "come in!" I yelled at the door watching it open to show heather with a bunch of art supplies in her hands, she must likely opened and knoucked with her magic. I got up to help her carry the art supplies, it was a lot like a-lot of art supplies. We sit them on my desk, as she looked up at me "are you really, papa said we got teal 10" she said as I nodded my head. We sat down and started to draw as she talked and I added some input from time to time it was fun, the next thing I knew it was 10:00. We stop hearing her alarm saying it was 10:00 i got up to start cleaning up our mess as did heather. The door started to open i handed heather her supplies to take to her room, it was sapphire in her day clothes hinting that we will be going outside. "My turn" she smiled as she spoke out, she moved out of the way to let heather leave the room. "Get dressed, we are going for a walk, and hear me out dad said we can go to the town!" She smiles just knowing that will get me happy, which it did. I quickly pushed her out of the room and shot the door closed. to get changed into my favorite shirt, vest, and leggings as quickly as I could. I open the door to see sapphire looking at me, took my hand and rushed to the font door the one door I don't get to go though. As we walked out she yelled bye to the rest of the house, but all i did was look at the path in front of me i don't get to see it much just from the window in my room. She started walking with my hand in hers, like a mom would do to her childs at a theme park. We walk for a les than a five minutes and we can see buildings, I was starting to get more and more excited. At one point she let go my hand I didn't know this, but when I turned to see her face i just see that her smile is as big as mine. I thought this was weird because shes been to town before, in fact she been more times i can could count. But that was okay we make it to the gateway with was wide open. "okay so is 10:21 so that mean near 3:30 we need to head back okay little joey" she put her hood up and took ahold of my hand as we walked into the gate. The first thing i saw was a park with normal looking kids, i mean i look normal if you look pass the wooden horns. I remember the times sapphire would come home hurt because of peoples Hate for witches, i guess thats why she wares hoods. We walk more and more teal i see dog park, i just love animals so i stoped looked at sapphire and asked "can we please go,". As soon as she nodded i ran over to the park i think sapphire was chasing behind me. the first dog i see will its not a dog it seems to be a wolf, it seem to be alone from the other small dogs. I walk over to it to see what was wrong as sapphire was sitting on a bench watching me. As soon as the wolf saw me it looked away like it was looking for someone, then it walked to me. When it got to me it sat down in front of me, "do you seem to know any witches, i need help". At first i was scary intel I remembered my schooling this was probably a wearwolf. "Umm i don't know but my sister mite, know" i said trying to hold a smile, I quickly turned around to the direction the bench sapphire was sitting on and wave her over. she ran over as quickly as she could perhaps seeing the wolf i was talking to. "Do you know any witches that can help my friend?" The wolf asked sapphire. "Maybe, what's wrong" sapphire asked with concern in her voice, the wolf just looked at us moving there telling us to follow. The wold walked out of the dog park and walked to the little woods the town most likely keep for other stomps. The wolf stoped and looked up at a very tall tree, "he's up there," the wolf started to change into there more human form. The wolf human form seem to be a female with big gray ears and black hair in a ponytail. "He got stuck I don't know how, he cant get down because he's a an stupid head" she yell at the tree " i can hear you!" And males voice coming from the tree yelled back at the wolf. "Well my names is rainy, do you know anyone who could help because he has work in mmm, about 3 hours" the wolf girl spoke in a chill voice. "I could help with a simple spell" sapphire said pulling her hood down, "can you sit down for a bit so i can do my job" sapphire demanded. I quickly sat down i loved watching my family work there magic, but rainy slow sat down with a shocked face, it was funny to watch. She quickly started with her magic, to be honest i have no idea whats she doing but its fun to watch. I start to see a person slowly comes down he had long light green hair in a bun and big wooden horns i mean big, he must of be a stomp. As he landed I started clapping for sapphire's work, slowly rainy started clapping to. The stomp seems to be Dizzy, but she still did good "well is that all?" Sapphire questioned. Rainy looked at her "um can i get your number, you know if this happens again" sapphire laugh as she snapped a pen into her hands as she wrote on her hand I slowly realized that the stomp was looking at me. I looked back "ah! Sorry, i'm conner" he put his hand in my face i took it to get off the ground. "My name is joey" I smile as I talked to Connor. "You know i was trying too, never mind I don't remember see you around here were are you from?" He he had a questionable look. "Im from up the path so kinda out of town." i talked as he looked at me confused. "do y'all wanna hang out, it still a bit tell we have work" rainy said out to everyone. "What time is it?" Sapphire said "1:45!" Connor quickly responded looking at his phone. "We need to head back at 3:30 so why not have some fun, this is little joeys adoption day" sapphire smiles at her own joke. I on the other hand was about to start a storm of laughter from the stupid family jokes we have, connor and rainy just looked at us like we are complete idiots. "Well were to first?" Rainy asked with was quickly answered by me "the dog park!". As i said that i see rainy walking to Connors ear say something he nods then looks at me and sapphire,"we have a fun way to getting to the dog park" rainy smiles as she spoke. "Its a race, i gets sapphire and Connor gets joey" rainy said, "not fair sapphire could just her use magic!" Connor complains. "Sorry i cant do that, last time i got beat up" sapphire said in a reassuring tone. "ooh, sorry umm" conner said an awkward voice "its okay i'm fine now so boy vs girls" sapphire smiles. I see rainy turn in her wolf form, then turn around to see Connor growing? This was wired to me because i didn't know there was a way to turn into your haft awake form with out well sleepy. I look at him to see him almost as tall as the trees, i took a look at sapphire to see her just as confused as me. Haft awake Connor put his hand in front of me it was big i mean big I could probably lay down on his hand, i sat on his hand as sapphire sat on rainy's back. The race begin as so as Connor pulled his hand up he ran and quickly, I would be lying if I said it was not scary but fun at the same time it was fun. He just stops I'm guessing that means we are at the park then he quickly puts me on his back and starts to change back. It felt like each second i could see the ground more, and more tell i was just on his back at normal size. I look around to see if sapphire and rainy was there it look like we win, because I didn't see them. I got off of Connors back and look at him in the eyes "how did you do that?" I said confused. He looked confused back "you don't know how to change?" He asked with a more confused tone. "Yeah dun, I don't go out much and i live with witches. I thought it was just a sleep thing" as i spoke he listened. "well it is but you can have access to it anytime like a warewolf thing" Connor said trying to answer my questions. "I could help you learn while we wait?" He was nervous but i on the other hand was excited, "yes please!" I was yelling at this point. "Okay relax, and try thinking of your tree form for a start" Connor said calmly, as I tried to calm down. It didn't work i looked up at him and shock my head no "well try to close our eye and think of your form thats has most people do it.". Eye my eye and think and think, when i opened my eyes i see a shocked conner looking down on me, i did it! I started running around conner happly. He stoped me to pick me up "on my gods you are so cute! Your like a little wood dog!" All of a sudden conner with me in hand fell. He gets up still holding me i see wolf rainy and sapphire, sapphire seem happy to see us "sorry we got lost, but what do we have here!" She said reaching out for me. "We win!" Conner yelled holding me up in the air, it was fun tell he put me down. He bent down to my face and said "if you want to change back just do the same thing but think about you normal form". He stud up faced sapphire to say "well i did know y'all all didn't know how to change so when y'all got lost I showed him how to do it" he spoke to sapphire in a joyful voice "not gonna lie he looks so cute like a puppy". I get flustered as I watch all of them agree to the statement, at this time closed my eye to try and true back which i did! "Hey i'm not that cute!" They looked at me about to laugh at me which they did gladly while walking to me and a big group hug. The group hug would be nice if i wasn't in the middle of it, but at this point it was okay. After a bit they let go "so what time is it?" Sapphire asked Connor "2:16!" connor answer quickly. "So that means we have like an hour to play with dogs!" The whole group stoped to look at me. "Or we could play with puppy Joey!!" Sapphire yelled then they looked at me and started chanting "puppy joey!". At this point i have to give in and change back into "puppy joey", so I closed my eyes and changed. "Aaa!" They all yelled in happiness and to add more to the joke. Next thing i know is that there sitting in a circle around me, i sat down in the spot i was standing waiting for something to do. "Joey if one of us caches you in the next 2 minutes, you have to stay like that the whole hour" rainy said looking at me as the others just nodded. This was not gonna be far but it will be fun even if i looked like this, I started running off to the part  the dog park were the dogs. I was hoping to lose them in the dogs at the park, til i felt someone pick me up. I look to me it was not someone i didn't know it seem to be child, I tried to get away but I couldn't. "momma, look at this dog!" The child yell to someone on a beach, i'm only hoping that someone from the group hear this kid yelling. Someone walks up to the kid i'm guess its the kids mom, "who's is its?" The woman asked  poking me "I don't know, can i keep it!" The kid yelled. "No" the woman say straight up suddenly someone tapped to women's shoulder "hey can i have the stomp" the one and only Connor asked well i got found. "He's my friend" Connor said holding his hands out to the kid, the kid quickly gave me to him. he must of been scared of Connor "thanks kid!" conner smiles at the kid and walk away with me and in his hands. "We win" he said holding me up to the sky to show rainy and sapphire that they won. "Yes" sapphire said taking me from Connors hand hugging me. "Any ideas?" Rainy said question what to do.
This all for now

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