1. Four sweet years reached

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"Congratulations Class of 2016!" As the music echoed throughout the stadium and cheering radiating off the walls. Hats started to fill the negative space in the air.

Numb to that validity that I was finished with one of the best four years of high school that I could ask for believing it or not. I was a good student with decent grades. I was well known throughout the school as I surprisingly won homecoming queen. Which was still a shock. 

"AHHHH!! WE FUCKING DID IT M!" one of my best friends I knew since birth ran towards me with open arms.

God, he's such a fucking dork I thought to myself wrapping my arms around him as we jumped up in down like idiots.

"Where's your cap," I asked as I looked at his naked brown buzz-cut head while patting the top of his head. 

"Maria are you telling me you're lame ass didn't throw yours?!" he asked faking his shocked face.

"Dylan, what the hell? You know I'm not losing this piece of art. I worked so hard on it" I said poking my bottom lip out.

The masterpiece I painted on the top of my cap was of Micheal Scott's inspiring words "I should've burned this place down when I had the chance" from my favorite show on earth the office.
(season 7, episode 19, 14:45)

"I mean it does look sick as hell not gonna lie." Dylan shrugged

"HEY SHIT HEADS!" my other best friend, Allison said as she jogged up to us with the biggest and stupidest grin I've ever seen in my life.

"We're finally out of this hell hole!" she says as we both laughed and embracing each other.

Confused as to why Dylan wasn't joining this gross lovefest we both scanned the stadium looking for the twat.

Allison pointed her finger. As I followed the imaginary line that leads up to Dylan making out with some redhead bimbo. I grabbed him by the ear dragging him back to his starting point.

"Whoaaaa......uh I'll call you later uhh Linda?"

"Lydia!" She yelled rolling her eyes 

"Right, Lydia!" He yelled back wiggling his eyes brows smirking

"Dammit, Maria. You such a cock block! Ow ow OW!" He yelled while stumbling over his feet.

"Keep talking and I'll cut your thumbs off," I said tugging on his ear a little harder

"Dylan why are you such a whore?"

"I'm only a whore for you Allie," Dylan said licking his bottom lip

"Wait did you just threaten to cut my thumbs off. You could've said my dick. Like literally anything else. Why my thumbs?"

"Well, everyone needs opposable thumbs. Like you wouldn't be able to hold a pencil right or anything in that matter. You couldn't coke can or any can. Oh! And you wouldn't be able to-"

"Okay! Okay!" Dylan said cutting me off before I got to the best part.

"I think I would like to have my thumbs! God you monster" he said with a scrunched up nose 

"Okay everyone gets together. I want to capture this moment!" My mother said walking up to us with tears that could flood the stadium along with all the other mothers with overflowing tears. My sisters and father trailed behind her rolling there eyes.

"God mom stop. You known don't like pictures" I said putting my hand in front of the camera

"Maria you're gonna take this picture and your gonna like it, " she said as she makes that face that all mothers make.

I rolled my eyes discreetly and dragged my feet back towards my friends.

Dylan gets in the middle while Allison and I positioned ourselves on either side of him. Dylan wraps his arms around both of us.

"1. 2. 3-" Before 3 Dylan squeezes us both closer and we all smiled 

"Another one!" mom said as she held the number 1 up.

It was natural that we all got in goofy positions

Allison puffing her cheeks out and pulling her ears out and crossing her eyes. Dylan holds up bunny ears behind both our heads and sticking his tongue out. And I just did a class punk rock pose with my tongue out.

"Okay last one"

While Dylan started to smile again. I looked at Allison mouthing " let's kiss Dylan on the cheek on 3," She shook her head aggressively while mouthing hell no. I gave her a pleading look and she rolled her eyes giving in.

"Okay. 1. 2. 3-" After 3 we both kissed Dylan and he loved every second of it. (of course, that horn dog did)

"Hey, you coming to my house right? To get ready for Nates party?" Dylan questioned

Nate was a popular rich white kid that was the quarterback who knew everyone and everyone knew him.

"That was the plan dumbass," I said pushing his face

"I'm getting you at 8 don't forget! Hey, Linda baby!" Dylan said running towards the redhead as she scarcely walked away from him "ugh it's Lydia!"

I hugged Allison goodbye. As I walked towards the car I couldn't help but get emotional as the memories of when Dylan and I would get in trouble for skipping or getting detention for being the sarcastic smartasses we were. And dragging Allison down with us cause that bitch needed some fun in her goody goody life of hers.

My glamorous thoughts were interrupted when I bumped into someone.

"Oh my God, I'm such a fucking dumbass. I'm so sorry!" I apologized as I picked up the gifts that were scattered in the parking lot

"No. No. It's okay. I was glued to my phone." the man said.

I immediately look up because homeboy had an accent and I wanted to match the voice with hopefully a nice face.

His hair was the perfect mix or Carmel and chocolate brown with soft loose pillow curls. His hair cut was nice. His eyes were as green as little islands in the light, hazel and light green. They seemed to get lighter as I got lost in them. 

I shook myself back to reality I continued to apologize and started to sound like a broken record.

"It's okay. I swear. It's a good thing your cute cause otherwise I'd be a little upset." he chuckled with a smirk

"I uh-" I couldn't form a sentence because he called me cute. Me. Cute?

"MARIA!" my older sister yelled from the car looking quite annoyed

"I have to go. Again I'm truly sorry!" I said as I jogged away.

"Damn Lex I couldn't get his number with you being a little bitch."

"Shut up in get in the car, " she said pushing me to the car as I looked behind my shoulder trying to get a look of the hottie one last time.

Sorry, it's super long. But Y'all. It's literally 3:41 in the morning. I was on a mission and I wasn't gonna stop until I finished this. Please tell me how you like it. 🥺

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